LLP – Erasmus Call for Applications
Charles University in Prague, 2nd Faculty of Medicine announces the competition for LLP – Erasmus programme for the academic year 2012/13
The application forms are to be delivered to the department of international relations of the dean's office
no later than on 6th March 2012.
Application forms are available at the same place or on the faculty website.
The selection procedure will be hold on 13th March 2012 in the ‘Konkurzní místnost’ room
How to apply for the Erasmus grant?
The selection is opened for students of both pre-gradual and post-gradual programmes who match the qualification criteria given by rector's office.
The commitee nominated by the dean will decide about the results of the selection according to the criteria approved by academic senate on 17. 12. 2008. These criteria are available here.
The study abroad is a part of university studies and is a substitution of the studies at the home faculty and is not a reason for prolongation of the period of studies. Studies in the schedule of individual study plan is necessary. Please note, that as the study abroad is still a part of your studies at our university, you will have to pay your fees for studies.
The LLP Erasmus grant can be obtained only once during studies.
Language ability:
International students who want to study in country that is not of their mother tongue, must have the language certificate. If the student does not have such a certificate, this can be replaced by a test from the Language department of our faculty (available exams in English, German, French and Spanish). For studies in Lithuania, Poland and Finland the knowledge of English is sufficient but candidates who master the local language will be preferred.
Students have the possibility to attend intensive language courses (EILC) before starting the studies abroad.
Schedule of language tests:
German: 27. 2. 2012 16.00 at the Language department
French and Spanish: 23. 2. 2012 16.00 at the Language department
For these exams please apply at the language department Mrs. Ovčáčková @email or tel. 224435806.
For these tests it is necessary to pay at the dean´s office the fee 200,– Kc, the receipt bring to the department before the test.
Application form must contain:
application form document here
(other documents must be handed over to Ms. Patrovská, dean's office, till 6. 3. 2012) - study plan (briefly, subjects that you will study abroad)
- CV (including your possible help to incoming Erasmus student or your student scientific activities)
- language certificate
- copy of your index (the year you are just studying)
It also necessary to apply through the internet application of Charles University. All information about the steps how to apply you will find here
Each student can apply for only three places.
Due to the reduced amount of money that we obtained in the last academic year from Charles University and Ministry of Education we will have to reduce the study period at the partner universities. The lenght of stay should not exceed 6 month. In case the student wants to stay longer (according the period agreed in the bilateral agreement) he/she could do only as a so called zero-grant student – the period above 6 months will be not covered with money from our faculty.