Where to find help or support

Central Crisis Headquarters of Charles University

+420 603 281 804


Czech Police Crisis Line

+974 823 158

A new psychological support chat has been established at Charles University for students and employees. The chat will operate on Friday 22 December from 7:00 a.m. all day.

Do not hesitate to seek professional crisis help in response to the shooting at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (if you need to share the experience, in case of psychological problems such as shock, anxiety, insomnia, fears, etc.).

National Institute of Mental Health

Psychological assistance to survivors, witnesses, relatives and others directly and indirectly affected by the massacre on Jan Palach Square. There is now a 24/7 crisis line SPIS for relatives and survivors: +420 227 272 225

More info

RIAPS Crisis Center

Chelčického 39, Praha 3, 130 00

24/7 telephone crisis assistance: 222 580 697, chat-pomoc.cz

web: https://www.csspraha.cz/kc-riaps


Crisis Center Bohnice (CKI)

Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice, Ústavní 91, Praha 8, 181 02

24/7 telephone: 284 016 666

web: https://www.bohnice.cz/krizova-pomoc/


Safety Line - For students up to 26 years of age

Nonstop linka: 116 111

E-mail: @email (odpověď do tří dnů)

Chat: daily 9-13 a 15-19

Web: http://www.linkabezpeci.cz/


Centrum Carolina – support chat

A new psychological support chat has been established at Charles University for students and employees. The chat will operate on Friday 22 December from 7:00 a.m. all day. 

More info 


Centrum Carolina – consulting services

More info


Created: 22. 12. 2023 / Modified: 30. 1. 2025 / PhDr. Mgr. Kateřina Křenová