
10th Day: Ask the Right Question

30. 12. 2015

Updated: The Eleventh and Final Chapter. Julia Bayer, a fifth-year student of General Medicine, in November passed the practical subject K10: for ten days she shadowed a doctor she had chosen. Every day she wrote a blog the nine parts of which we publish Mondays and Wednesdays. Illustrations by Adam Kalina. Read the final chapter.

Malawi, Africa: A Unique Experience

3. 12. 2015

Drahomír Kolenčík, a fourth-year student, took a part in a two week mission in Malawi, Africa. It was organised by the International Humanity. One chief doctor and four medical students opened consulting offices and treated patients in a newly built hospital in one of the poorest parts of the world.

Enthralled and More Confident

25. 11. 2015

A five-year student of General Medicine (International), Markéta Tolarová, passed the K-10 course, where she was given the opportunity to shadow a doctor she had chosen according to her favourite specialisation directly at the clinic. She wrote an essay about her experience for our website.