Dean´s Provision No. 3/2024

Dean's Provision No. 3/2024

Ensuring the possibility of continuing studies in the same or similar study programme

Article I

Introductory provisions

This provision is issued to implement Rector's Provision No. 9/2024 -Details for ensuring the possibility to continue studying the same or similar study programme in the event of the termination of accreditation and authorisation to pursue a study programme under institutional accreditation.


Article II

Subject matter

1.This provision outlines the details and organisational aspects of ensuring the possibility to continue studying the same or a similar study programme at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in the event of the termination of accreditation of the Master's degree programme General Medicine in Czech and General Medicine in English, the Bachelor's degree programmes Nursing - General Nurse and Specialisation in Health Care - Physiotherapy and the follow-up Master's degree programme Specialisation in Health Care - Physiotherapy.

2. The study programmes are specified and implemented by study plans.

3. The study plans help students complete the newly accredited degree programmes without major changes.


Article III

Successor study programmes

The Internal Evaluation Board of Charles University has designated successor study programmes as follows:


Study programme whose accreditation is terminated (including the field of study)


Resolution of           


Resolution number


Successor study programme

General Medicine without field of study

1 Sep 2020


General Medicine


Nursing - General Nurse

28 Aug 2018


General Nursing

Specialisation in Health Care - Physiotherapy

28 Aug 2018



Specialisation in Health Care - Physiotherapy

27. Jan 2021


Applied Physiotherapy



 Article IV

Date of entry to the successor programme

Students studying in the academic year 2023/2024 in study programmes in both Czech and English whose accreditation is terminated, i.e.

a) in the Master's degree programme General Medicine/General Medicine,

b) in the Bachelor's degree programme Nursing - General Nurse,

c) in the Bachelor's degree programme Specialisation in Health Care - Physiotherapy,

d) in the follow-up Master's degree programme Specialisation in Health Care - Physiotherapy, and

persons whose studies in these study programmes are interrupted, shall be allocated to the follow-up programmes as of 30 September 2024 and shall be organisationally assigned to the curriculum for the completion of their studies.


Article V

Final provisions

This provision shall enter into force and effect on the date of signature by the Dean.


In Prague on 30. 4. 2024


prof. MUDr. Marek Babjuk, CSc.

Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University


Validity and effectiveness
Validity: 30. 4. 2024
Effective from: 30. 4. 2024


Garant: Study department
Created: 12. 6. 2024 / Modified: 12. 6. 2024 / Responsible person: Mgr. Marie Hejlová