
In the Student Information System (SIS( you will find all information about teachnig and links for study materials in Moodle:

6th year

Practical Medicine

Teaching is organised in GP tutor clinics working within the whole Prague region. Student also have the option to complete the course in their home country.

In order to receive credit for this course, student must submit a certificate of completion of the work placement, signed by the doctor with whom they have worked for a minimum of 5 working days, a report on a patient case (1-2 standard pages, analysis of symptomatology, medical history, objective findings, diagnostic and therapeutic plan) and a report on the work placement (1-2 standard pages, general outline of the work week, number of patients, most common patient complaints, what were your expectations and were they met, etc.).

Last update: 5. 8. 2024 / Administrátor
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