
In Study Information System SIS you will find all information about teachnig and links for study materials in Moodle:
6th year
  Practical Medicine

Student's Evaluation of Clinical Competence in General Practice
Teaching is organised in GP tutor clinics working within the whole Prague region. For modules in the Ist, IInd and Vth grade the tutors are coordinated by GP Department to realize the unique teaching program of the Czech and international students.
The guide for students is the textbook ‘General Practice’. Theoretical seminars but mainly practical activity are the main part of the teaching in these grades.
Czech students

  • Ist and IInd grade general practice and communication skills teaching 8 groups in one week teaching periods i.e. 10 teaching days
  • Vth grade general practice teaching 8 groups in one week teaching periods i.e. 40 teaching days

In the Ist and IInd grade the mainly stressed feature is the contact of the student with chronically ill patient and his family in their home. It is sort of psycho-social search in the patient´s house. Understanding the patient´s view of health care and characteristic features of the primary care work in comparison with secondary care. Start of communication skills teaching incl. blind and near deaf patients management. Rotations in pediatric/psychiatric clinic enrich students´ imagination of the problems in doctor-patient communication.
Video seminars are another example of the doctor-patient communication by using casettes of both national and international origins. Understanding the wide variety of primary care problems brings teaching in preventive and social medicine by Homecare association and Hospice.
In the Vth grade students work in the morning under the supervision of GP tutors in the clinic and in the afternoon they follow home visit schedule. The module is designed in the way enabling the student (helped by the tutor) recognise primary care clinical methods. The student is confronted with the GP way of work under the circumstances of non diferentiated patient problems where not only medical but social dimension is important. Students learn the preventative methods in the patients who are longterm followed up by one doctor; importance of the appropriate medical report keeping is presented, primary-secondary health care cooperation is explained, importance of good referral letter and detailed discharge summary represents the only way of good flow of information of the patient problems between both parties.
Seminars with tutors are the part of the Vth grade module teaching what gives students the theoretical base for their work. The practical skills are taught in the clinical skills teaching of Postgraduate Faculty of Medicine where basic oftalmological, otoscopic, mammal, prostate, URT examinations are available using quite autentic artificial models.
International students

  • GP teaching in the Vth grade: 2 groups in one week educational module i.e. 10 teaching days

There are English speaking teaching clinics chosen. Communication with patient must be realised in Czech language so tutors present specific patients in order to secure interview with student without problems.
Seminars in English explain the Czech organization of health care, primary and secondary level of doctors´ work. There is practical training with oftalmoscopy, otoscopy, mammal, prostate and URT models provided.

Organization of teaching and examination

Organization of teaching is quite specific as starting from first grade there is necessary to secure teaching practice for each student.
In the first and second grade 4 student couples visit one GP tutor who organizes patient and his family visit. This system demands thorough organization of the teaching and high students´discipline. Seminars are realised by group tutors and clinical teachers.
In the Vth grade the system of one-to-one teaching is applied – one student attends one GP tutor – extramural faculty teacher. There students work during the whole teaching module, supervised by group tutor who organizes seminars.

Evaluation of the teaching

Ist grade ends by credit provided in case of 90% participation in the program.
IInd grade ends by classified credit provided according to the evaluation of the final written essay on the theme recommended.
Vth grade ends by examination where the criteria are: evaluation by the clinic tutor, theoretical knowledge, practical ckills, approach to patient, clinical team behaviour and activity in the clinic work. Every student presents his patient record and documentation of several home visits of patients he realised during the week.

Final assessment of all these criteria is done by group tutor together with written test and oral examination – management of the health problem.

Profit from the GP teaching in the words of students

IInd grade ‘Sensitive doctor approach should be necessary part of a treatment.’
‘Be able to listen to the patient’
‘Shown involvement in patient problems is often more important than medicament treatment.’
Vth grade Evaluation of one week teaching module:
‘To integrate GP education to more semestres.’
‘Prolong the GP clinic placements.’
‘Interest in GP vocational training.’
Last update: 18. 10. 2021 / Administrátor
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