
In Study Information System SIS you will find all information about teachnig and links for study materials in Moodle:
5th year
Dear colleagues:
Welcome to the Department of Dermatology and Venereolgoy of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. Let's have a look at some important information for you:
How to get credit:

The credit will be given to the students who would attend 100 % teaching days and provide a written patient's record.

How to pass examination:

  1. every study group has got one term for examination; the student can apply for examination with another study group too, but he/she must ask for permission at the secretariat of the department (it depends on the number of students);
  2. the additional exam terms are free for all students of all study groups;
  3. it is necessary to apply for examination at the secretariat of the department (Mrs. Leštinová); please, calls us also in case you are not able to come for examination one day before the exam;
  4. the exam is composed of two parts – a written part (multiple choice test) and an oral one; only those students who pass the test (at minimum 6 out of 10 answers are correct) can make oral exam.

You can borrow skin atlas at the secretarait for your convenience while studying.
You can enlarge the practical training by visiting our outpatient department every afternoon (not on Friday), please, contact dr. Nechvátal.
Thank you for your attention. Do not hesitate to ask for any further information.
We wish you a pleasant stay at DERMATOLOGY and VENEREOLOGY.
Good luck at the examination!

Last update: 5. 10. 2021 / Administrátor
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