Cell Biology and Pathology

Characteristics of the study programme

Cell Biology and Pathology is a field of biomedical science concerned with build-up and functional characteristics of particular cells and their interaction in construction of tissues and organs. The content matter of the study is, above all, the cell itself at various levels of its functional organization, also concerning interconnection of structural-functional levels that maintain the cell as the basic structural and functional unit of multicellular organism including the human.

The goal of the studies is training the student for independent scientific research work aimed at understanding of dynamics, mutual connections and functional-structural characteristics of cells and tissues under normal – physiological conditions and in pathologic processes as well as in their modelling

Admission procedure requirement specific to the study programme

The conditions and course of the admission procedure for the part-time of study are the same as the conditions for the full-time form. 

We recommend to contact your potential supervisor in advance and consult the suitable form of preparation for the interview. Each study programme has its own specifics, so the supervisor can help you to prepare for the specialized entrance examination (the interview).

Topics of dissertation thesis

The candidate chooses the preliminary topic individually and contacts a potential supervisor, or they may consult the topics listed below. The choice is not, however, limited to them - the candidate is encouraged to come up with their own topics of research as well. The applicant consults the chosen topic with the potential supervisor and agrees on its more precise specification. In case of any ambiguity, we recommend that you also contact the chairman of the SAB. If necessary, he/she can recommend that he/she consult the topic with another specialist according to the focus of the intended project.

If the candidate does not know which topic/supervisor to choose, he/she will contact the chairman of the SAB, with whom he/she will consult on a suitable topic and a potential supervisor.

This choice is preliminary, the admissions board may, after consultation with the candidate, nominate another supervisor.

Dissertation topics offered

MUDr. Markéta Bloomfield, Institute of Experimental Medicine of CAS

  • Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities in the Management of Primary and Secondary Errors of Immunity

doc. RNDr. Markéta Kalinová, Ph.D., Department of Imunology, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI & Motol University Hospital

  • Free tumor DNA (ctDNA) in solid tumors

  • Immunome and Cancer Diseases

  • Minimal residual/disseminated disease in solid tumors

Dr. Yuriy Petrenko, Ph.D., Institute of Experimental Medicine of CAS

  • Increase of therapeutic potential of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells by cell microenvironment modulation

Supervisors of the study programme

Each supervisor must be approved by the SAB. The criteria for admitting new supervisors are determined by the SAB. If the proposed supervisor has not yet been approved by the SAB, this must be done no later than the enrollment of the applicant in the study (provided that the applicant is accepted). You can find a list of supervisors approved by the SAB here. After clicking, the supervisor's workplace and contact information will be displayed.

Requirements during the study

Study obligations for full-time and part-time form of study are the same. 

  • After admission, compilation of an ISP, which must be approved by the supervisor and guarantor of the programme.
  • After each academic year passed, evaluation of the ISP with the supervisor, and forwarding this ISP within the deadlines so that is will be further judged by the SAB and approved by the guarantor of the programme.
  • Passing the following courses:
  1. Progress in cell biology – a compulsory course – organized by the SAB for Cell Biology and Pathology and guarantor of the programme.
  2. Progress in molecular biology and genetics – a compulsory course – organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Recommended are any other possible courses organized by the SAB with a bias close to the student’s programme. It is appropriate if courses organized by the CU or the Czech Academy of Sciences are included where the student can obtain knowledge and skills necessary for successful presentation of the results, work with professional and scientific literature and scientific data bases as well as for gaining the grants.

  • Language examination in English (examination at the Institute for Languages of Second Faculty of Medicine, State language examination or an internationally recognized examination, e.g. TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate). Other world languages are optional.
  • SDE
Requirements for internships

At least one one-month or longer placement abroad is presumed. This can be replaced by participation in an international grant project or another form of direct participation in international co-operation, at the supervisors scope and discretion.

Listed courses

B90019 Pokroky v biologii buňky
B90041 Pokroky v molekulární biologii a genetice

Requirements for the SDE
  • The examination must be taken before submission of the dissertation thesis and after fulfilling the substantial portion of ISP. At least one publication on the topic of the disseration thesis with the student as an author is recommended.
  • Passing the two compulsory courses: Progress in cell biology and Progress in molecular biology and genetics.
  • Language examination in English. The SAB recommends and internationally recognized type of examination (TOEFL, Cambridge), however study rules of particular faculties allow to take the language exam at the faculty’s institute of languages and admit recognition of the State language examination in English.
The course of the SDE

In the first part of the SDE, the student will present a lecture in approximately 15 minutes about the results of his/her own scientific work achieved during the previous studies. Then members of the board will ask the student to answer some questions pertaining to the results achieved. In the second part, the student shall answer three questions drawn at random from the published list of questions, which cover the following topic areas.

Examination topics for the SDE

Publication activity requirements

Being the first author of a publication. Participation in a research grant project.

Defence requirements
  • Fulfilling all the above mentioned study obligations incl. passing the SDE.
  • Being the author (co-author) of at least two original scientific papers on the topic of the dissertation thesis, published or accepted for publication in an internationally respected journal with an impact factor (Web of Science), the student must be the first author of at least on of the publications.
  • The subject area board requires 5 printed copies of the summary of the dissertation as well as 4 printed copies of the dissertation.
Profile of a graduate of the study programme

The graduate is familiar with basic cell biology and pathology, special characteristics of various cell and tissue types both in physiological situation as well as in disease. The graduate is acquainted with current research topics and experimental approaches especially in the following areas: cellular basis of cancerogenesis, tissue and cellular processes in inflammation, changes of cells and tissues during metabolic diseases; tissue repair and regeneration; wound healing; cell and tissue replacement; stem cell biology. 

Information about graduate employment 

Graduates of the study programme will be employed as researchers at theoretical institutes (anatomy, pathology, forensic medicine, histology) of medical and natural science faculties, institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, biomedical research centres, scientific research departments of clinical workplaces and possibly as employees of clinical laboratories. They will also be employed as scientifically qualified university teachers. Last but not least, they will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge and skills in the commercial sector (biotechnology, pharmacy, clinical and laboratory diagnostics, etc.).


Last update: 17. 5. 2024 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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