3rd International Student Medical Congress in Košice

Dear friends, participants, all our scientific and non-scientific supporters

Many congresses, organisations and events around the world have something in common. Something, that everyone can rely on, something that can guarantee a great experience. Something, that brings people from around the globe together again and again. This thing is tradition and it is the goal, that with your help we will hopefully be able to achieve. From humble beginnings three years ago, we are now preparing the 3rd year of the International Student Medical Congress in Kosice, bigger, better and more professional than before. Join our Congress, have an amazing experience and help us create a tradition for many years to come.
The aim of ISMCK'11 is to strengthen the international network for scientific collaboration as well as linking of different nations and cultures. All young scientists working in the fields of medicine, public health, dentistry, pharmacology are invited. ISMCK'11 offers students, PhD students and young doctors an opportunity to present their research and to exchange ideas on topics through oral or poster presentations in categories:

Basic Science Dentistry
Clinical Medicine Public Health
PhD students' works Pharmacology

In case of enough good quality abstracts more sub-sessions will be organized!
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by an international committee and only the best scored abstracts will be advanced to the oral presentation stage. Other abstracts awarded sufficient points will have a poster presentation; the rest will be excluded. Do not worry, we are sure your abstract will be the best one!
Registration for actives and co-authors is opened from 1st December 2010, for passives from 1st January 2011 on www.ismck.com. Deadline for abstracts submission is 1st March 2011.
You are more than welcome to share here your scientific and non scientific ideas, subjects and opinions.
For more information please check www.ismck.com or send us an email to @email.
Lenka Kaskova, M.D.
President of Organizing Committee of ISMCK
Foreign Affairs Manager of ISMCK
email: @email
tel: 0907 623 906

Created: 17. 12. 2010 / Modified: 15. 1. 2025 / Helena Ulovcová