Academic Senate Elections

During dates mentioned below, elections into two academic senates are taking place:
Academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine
Academic senate of the Charles University
Candidate suggestions:
29th–30th November 2010
Elections: 13th–14th December 2010
Academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine controls and influences activities of the Faculty, e.g. changes in study programs and financial investments or personal representatives of the Faculty (Dean, Vice-Deans). It consists of 24 members and has two chambers – student (12) and pedagogue (12). The members are elected each 2 years (now for the period 2011–2013).
Elective process – basic info for students:

  1. Every student of the faculty could elect and be elected into student chamber of AS. Every pedagogue of the Faculty could elect and be elected into pedagogue chamber.
  2. Students are divided into 7 communities:
    1. community 1. + 2. study year 1 member
    2. community 3. study year 1 member
    3. community 4. study year 1 member
    4. community 5. + 6. study year 1 member
    5. community study programs other than medicine 1 member
    6. community international students 1 member
    7. community PGS 2 members
    Last 4 places in AS are reserved for 4 people with the most amounts of votes, independently of their community/study year.
  3. First part of the election process – candidate suggestions – is electronic. Every student votes for max. 12 people, at least one of them must be from their community.
  4. In the second part of the election process, suggested candidates are personally elected. Each student can elect max. 12 candidates again, at least one of them must be from their community.

Academic senate of the Charles University is one of the most important academic organs. It controls activity of the whole university (analogous of above mentioned AS of the Faculty). It consists of 70 members. Elections take place at all the Faculties in November every three years, this year for the period 2011–2014. Two academic workers and two students of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine will be elected into AS of the University.
First round of elections – students

Created: 26. 11. 2010 / Modified: 15. 1. 2025 / MUDr. Jana Djakow