Nanomedicine Autumn School for PhD Students

The NanoFar Consortium, implementing the European Doctorate in nanomedicine and pharmaceutical innovation, part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme is glad to announce its

first Autumn School dedicated to young researchers (PhD Students).

This school will take place from the 22 to 26th of October 2012 in Angers, France.
The classes will cover all the needed aspects related to nanomedicine:
Design of nanomedicine devices, nanomedicines for diagnosis and imaging, responsive polymers and nanocarriers, nanomedicine interactions with biological systems, targeted nanotherapeutics, nanomedicine and radiopharmaceutics.
The school is open to all PhD students from European and non-European universities
wishing to improve their knowledge on nanomedicine by courses provided by top scientists.
More information and registration on
Deadline for registration:
October 15, 2012
For any question: @email

Created: 17. 9. 2012 / Modified: 19. 9. 2018 / BcA. Dominika Patrovská, DiS.