Nominations for the Professor Koutecký Award Open


Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine Prof. Marek Babjuk announces the 3rd year of nominations for the Professor Koutecký Award for undergraduate students of the Second Faculty of Medicine for scientific achievement.

The criterion is to be the first author of a scientific article published or accepted for publication in the previous calendar year, in a journal with IF above 1.0 in Q1 - Q3.

Applications should be submitted in writing and electronically to the Assistant Dean by January 31, 2024.

The award is presented at a meeting of the Second Faculty of Medicine, where the student will give a short presentation about his/her work. The award is accompanied by a financial reward of CZK 10,000.

Details can be found in Opatření děkana č. 21/2022.

Created: 21. 12. 2023 / Modified: 21. 12. 2023 / PhDr. Mgr. Kateřina Křenová