Optional subject 2009/2010
Health and social care of risk groups of citizens
Programme of the course: Field visits:
16. 11. (monday) ! | |
time: | 14.00 |
place: |
Social care facility of the Jewish community – ‘Hagibor’ Vinohradská 159, Praha 10 |
meeting point: | in front of the building |
connection: | metro A – stop Želivského (‘Hagibor’ is situated between Don Giovanni hotel and office building of radio Free Europe) |
contact person: |
Dr. Roule |
23. 11. (monday) ! | |
time: | 13.30 |
place: |
Centrum komplexní péče pro děti s poruchami vývoje FN Motol (Child development centre FN Motol) pavilon 15 (see the map of FN Motol) |
contact person: |
MUDr. Kašparová |
24. 11. | |
time: | 14.00 |
place: |
Život 90 (social services for elderly) Karoliny Světlé 18, Praha 1 |
connection: | tram 9 or 6 – stop ‘Národní divadlo’ |
contact person: |
JUDr. Staněk |
25. 11. Social worker services in FN Motol |
time: | 13.00 |
place: |
Ústav veřejného zdravotnictví a Preventivního lékařství pavilon Q (see the map of FN Motol) |
contact person: |
Mgr.Trávníčková |
Requirments for credit:
attendance at field visits + short essay (2–5 p.) – you can choose one of the following topic:
- Health and social services for children with handicap in your country
- Health and social services for elderly in your country
- Substitute family care – adoption, foster care – in your country
Schools and educational facilities for children with special needs in your country
Send the essay via e-mail, please – @email