During the next summer holidays (July 19-25, 2020), Résonnez will be holding the Summer International Radiology Course. This summer school will be held for 50 outstanding medical students from around the world. During this unique 7-day science and integration program, they will have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge in the field of radiology, fostering a multidisciplinary approach, gaining practical radiology skills and becoming familiar with new technologies in diagnostic procedures.
As part of the course, medical students will be able to familiarize themselves with the theoretical and practical foundations of ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and interventional radiology. This will enrich their medical education and add to the knowledge acquired during their university studies.
Detailed information and registration on www.summerinternationalradiologycourse.com a www.pums.ump.edu.pl/summer-international-radiology-course-2020.