Workshop for ERC Starting/Consolidator (Eventually Also Advanced) Grant Applicants

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the workshop for ERC Starting/Consolidator (eventually also Advanced) grant applicants will be held this year on 20 and 21 May at the premises of Charles University (Malá aula).

The workshop organised by the Technology Centre CAS and Charles University is open only to the applicants who already work on a grant proposal, which they intend to submit to the 2020 ERC Work Programme calls.

The event will be held in English in case non-Czech speaking researchers will register.

Detailed information on the conditions of participation will be communicated at the end of March when the registration will be launched.

Created: 22. 2. 2019 / Modified: 15. 1. 2025 / Mgr. Adam Zabloudil