
11th Central European Orthopaedic Congress

8. 6. 2016
We cordially invite the professional public and all students interested in orthopaedia to the 11th Central European Orthopaedic Congress, which will take place 9–10 June 2016 in Prague. More information on the congress webpage.

The Famous Motol Steam Boat Sets Sail on 22 June

30. 5. 2016
The famous Motol steam boat sets sail on Wednesday 22 June at 7.00 p.m. from the anchorage Na Františku (the Czechie steam boat). Don't miss the opportunity to celebrate the end of school year (or the end of studies and the degree) and have some fun! ...

A Lecture by Prof. Sean Morrison

26. 5. 2016

The Center for Palliative Care invites to a lecture by a world expert on geriatrics and palliative medicine, Professor Sean Morrison. It will take place on 2 June in the Blue Lecture Hall, Karolinum, 4 pm.