The minute of 4th session of AS CU 2nd FM 16th April 2003

Datum konání

The Minute – the 4th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 16th April 2003

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening
    as. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
  2. The Faculty Management Reports
  3. A share of the costs of individual work places
  4. Teaching of languages at 2nd Faculty of Medicine
  5. Miscellaneous



1) Opening

MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., opened the academic senate session by welcoming the present members of the academic senate and specially the guests of the meeting prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., doc. MUDr. J. Bartůňková, DrSc., prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc., prof. MUDr. Jiří Šnajdauf, DrSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, prof. MUDr. Jan Herget, DrSc. and Ing. Eva Kuželová.
Checking of the previous Minutes was without any remarks.


2) The Faculty Management Reports

Vote counters appointed at this session by the chairman of the senate were:
MUC. Michal Pelíšek
doc. PaedDr. Pavel Kolář


  1. The Dean of the Faculty asked the senate for agreement with the proposal to change the name of the Department of Basis of Education and Medical Ethics. New name: The Department of Medical Ethics and Humanitarian Basis of Medicine 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. The reason for this change is the vague and ambiguous term ‘basis of education’. The desired change of word order will better suit the aims of the work place. In connection with this, the subject taught in the 1st year of studies for the Master degree will be called ‘Humanitarian Basis of Medicine’ instead of ‘Basis of Education’.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 16
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The senate expressed its consent with changing the name of the department.
  2. The Dean of the Faculty submitted a proposal to the senate to establish the Department of Nursing 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital.
    Justification of the proposal:

    Establishment of the Bachelor programme Nursing into the syllabus of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine arises on the basis of social demand, specially from the Motol University Hospital. Increasing the number of university-educated people is one of the conditions for integrating of The Czech Republic into EU and gaining international accreditation for health institutions into the ISO system. The development of the Bachelor Programme is in line with a ‘long-term aim of the Ministery of Education and Science’ in the area of university studies and ‘a long-term aim of Charles University’. The Faculty has a sufficient number of qualified teachers from the employees of the Faculty, who will arrange teaching of the subject.
    The proposed Department of Nursing will personally (3 teaching loads) separate from the Internal Clinic and it will co-ordinate education of this subject for medical students and bachelor students together with part-time teachers mostly from the staff of the Motol University Hospital. The facilities of the Motol University Hospital can be used fully for the teaching needs according to the existing contract with the Motol University Hospital about teaching medical students of 2nd Faculty of Medicine.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 16
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The senate expressed by means of its vote a consent with the establishment of a Department of Nursing. This proposal will be submitted to the Ministery of Education and Science of the Czech Republic and to Ministery of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic via the vice-chancellorship.
  3. The Vice-Dean Šnajdauf submitted to the senate a proposal to appoint head physicians of newly established clinics of 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University:
    prof. MUDr. Jan Hořejší, DrSc., born on 6th May 1940
    Head physician of the Clinic of Gyanecology for Children and Teenagers 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital for a period of two years.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 16
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The academic senate has recommended the appointment.
    as. MUDr. Petr PAVEL, CSc., born on 2nd January 1951

    Head physician of the Cardio-Surgery Department 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and the Motol University Hospital for a period of 2 years.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 16
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The academic senate has recommended the appointment.
    doc. MUDr. Jaromír MUSIL, born on 6th December 1953

    Head physician of the Department of Pneumology 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and the Motol University Hospital for a period of 2 years.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 9
      against: 4
      abstained: 3
    Result: The academic senate has recommended the appointment.
  4. The Vice-Dean Pelouch submitted to the senate a proposal for fees connected with studies. Fees are fixed according to the appendix 6 Statues of Charles University (1. 9. 1999) – change in regulations 20. 8. 2002. Full reading of this regulation in available on ( – Statues and other internal regulations – fees connected with studies – appendix 6)
    Michal Pelíšek, the chairman of SKAS informed the senate that the senate will soon deal with this problem. Public discussion on this topic will take place in the green room of Carolina hall on Monday 12th May, 2003 at 2.30. All members of the academic community are heartily welcomed.
    Michal Pelíšek added, that the most heavily criticized is the fact, that the amendment which was the base for a change of appendix 6 of Statues of Charles university and which was passed in 2000, does not take into consideration time relations. Even the students who had successfully completed studies at one university and started another one before passing of amendment, are obliged to pay the fee.
    The range of fees according to app. 6 Statues of Charles University:
    1. Fee level connected with entrance examination1 makes at most 20 % from the foundation2.
    2. Fee level for operations connected with studies of individual bachelor or master study programmes makes
      1. at the fee stated in § 58 par. 3 law, at least 1/2 and at most 11/2 of the foundation2 for each month of the studies,
      2. at the fee stated in § 58 par. 4 law at most foundation2 for each year of the studies.
    3. Fee level connected with the study programme realized for international students in foreign language3 makes at most 25.000 USD for each year of the studies.
    4. Particular fee level is determined and publicized in the way set in the article 33 of Statues. Determined fee level refers to the student who is obliged to pay this fee in the given academic year.
    5. At the fee according to par. 2 letter a) the fee is fixed with regard to financial exacting character of the realized study programme.

    1 § 58 par. 1 law about universities
    2 § 58 par. 2 law about universities
    3 § 58 par. 5 law about universities.
    A proposal of Advisory Board of the Dean 2nd Faculty of Medicine:
    1. Fee for operation connected with entrance examinations for academic year 2004/2005 – 540 CZK.
    2. Fee for operations connected with entrance examinations for academic year in English – 1000 CZK.
    3. Fee for longer studies (§ 58 par. 3 law n. 111/1998 digest and article 1 par. 2a) changes of appendix 6 Satues of Charles University) – 4 100 CZK a month.
    4. Fee for another study programme (§ 58 par. 4 law n. 111/1998 digest and article 1 par. 2b) changes of app. 6 Statues of Charles University) – 2 700 CZK a year.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 15
      against: 0
      abstained: 1
    Result: Agreed
  5. Secretary of the Faculty submitted to the senate a proposal of the budget for the year 2003:
    Item of the budget main activity economic activity total
    Earnings and outputs 0 0 0
    Receipts for own products 0 0 0
    Receipts for service sale 23 078 105 23 183
    Receipts for sold goods 0 0 0
    Activation of own performances 0 0 0
    Other outputs 20 659 60 20 719
    Recipts for property sale 0 0 0
    Accepted allowances 0 0 0
    Operational grants from state budget 99 085 0 99 085
    Earnings and outputs in total 142 822 165 142 987
    Costs and expenditures 0 0 0
    Material consumption 4 340 0 4 340
    Energy consumption 4 400 0 4 400
    Other unstorable supplies consumption 0 0 0
    Costs for sold goods 0 0 0
    Repairs and maintanence 1 000 0 1 000
    Travelling costs 800 0 800
    Costs for representation 1 200 20 1 220
    Other services 7 397 130 7 527
    Wage costs 76 570 14 76 584
    Social security 26 800 0 26 800
    Other social costs and insurance 350 0 350
    Road and property tax 12 0 12
    Other taxes and fees 1 800 0 1 800
    Fines, penalties and interests from delay 0 0 0
    Remission of uncollectible debt 0 0 0
    Other costs 2 654 0 2 654
    Remission of material and immaterial properties 15 000 0 15 000
    Balance price of sold NIM and HIM 0 0 0
    Sold stocks and deposits 0 0 0
    Sold material 0 0 0
    Creating of legal reserves and remedy items 0 0 0
    Provided allowances 0 0 0
    Administrative and operational expenses (Home Office) 499 0 499
    Costs and expenses in total 142 822 164 142 986
    Economic result 0 0 0
    Earnings and outputs in total 142 822 165 142 987
    Costs and expenditures in total 142 822 164 142 986
    Economic result before taxation 0 1 1
    Earning tax and supplementary earning taxation 0 0 0
    Economic result after taxation 0 0 0


    Voting: present: 16
      for: 16
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The senate approved of the proposed budget.


3) The share of expenses of individual work places

Doc. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D. opened a discussion on this topic and presented to the senate a chart, which showed the share of individual work places on the basis of evaluating indexes. This chart in line with evaluation of work places indicates unambiguously work places with a strong element of science-research orientated work and on the other hand work places which do not perform scientific-research activity. The Faculty in its structure of employees employs people taken on the staff as scientific-research employees. The senate discussed job description of the scientific-research employee and suggested these employees to be effective at the work places which supply scientific-research activity. On the contrary those work places with a vague science-research activity should relocate their science-research classified employees to active work places.


4) Teaching of languages at 2nd Faculty of Medicine

Vice-Dean Herget opened a discussion in the senate about teaching languages at the Faculty. He presented the range of teaching languages at 2nd and 1st Faculty of Medicine in per cents in relation to other subjects. 2nd Faculty of Medicine devotes 5,7 % to teaching languages which is the same as to pediatry and more then to other theoretical subjects (e.g. pathology 3,5 %). He claimed that the proportion of subjects which will be taught at the Faculty in future is worth consideration.
Student chamber expressed their opinion that it is desirable to teach Latin and English at the Faculty – namely medical terminology. Students cannot see any reason for teaching Spanish, French, German etc., which are taught in a form of paid courses and are taught by faculty teacher. Teaching of these languages can be ensured in a way which will save some teaching loads. There is a drift at Charles University to interrelate teaching of some subjects within the University.


4) Miscellaneous


  1. Information about the highest possible scholarship for postgraduate students at Charles University will be submitted at the following Session of the academic senate after verification by Faculty lawyer.
  2. Doc. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D. was appointed a deputy of the academic senate of 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University for a competition for the position of assistant lecturer of the Institute of Pathology and Molecular Medicine 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and the Motol University Hospital. The date of the competition: 28th April 2003 at 11.30 in the competition room of the Faculty.
  3. MUC. Michal Pelíšek asked about an intended foundamental change in the activity of The Institution of Scientific Information. Vice-Dean Herget informed the senate about a conception of the library. Currently being worked on is the establishment and simplification of access to e-magazines.
  4. In connection to the evaluation of work places MUDr. Hrušák expressed a need to appreciate financially those work places which were not primarily included, e.g. The Institute for Scientific Information, Dean's Office etc. It will enable the Faculty to evaluate all expenses.
  5. Doc. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. informed the senate about the agenda of the academic senate session:
    • Chancellor of Charles University mentioned the 655th celebration of the founding of Charles University
    • Vice-chancellor Svobodová informed about the seminary ‘Student's Evaluation of Teaching at Charles University’
    • Vice-chancellor Kelner informed the senate about grants GAUK – from 380 application projects 106 were accepted. Starting from next term an applicant can ask for a grant on the condition that a&nbsp postgraduate student is involved in the project
    • Halls of residence and student's canteens will put up luncheon vouchers price by 5 CZK
    • A new scientific council of Charles University was approved. Our Faculty deputies are: doc. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc., prof. MUDr. Bohuslav Ošťádal, DrSc. and prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Masopust, DrSc.

  6. Vice-Dean Herget invited the members of the senate to the Students Scientific Conference which will take place in the small lecture rooms of the Faculty on 25th April 2003.
  7. MUC. Ondřej Fiala has asked the senate to include the ‘curriculum’ – and the question of teaching pharmacology and pathology in 3rd year of studies – on the agenda of the next academic senate session.
  • The next academic senate session will take place on Wednesday 21st May 2003 at 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture room of the Faculty.
  • The Minutes were sent to The Department of Languages for translation into English for the web sites of international students on 6. 5. 2003.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: ass. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 21. 5. 2003 / Modified: 14. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK