The minute of 6th session of AS CU 2nd FM 25th June 2003

Datum konání

The Minute – the 6th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 25th June 2003

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening and checking of previous minutes
    as. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
  2. The Faculty Management reports
  3. Information about the establishment of a students club at the 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University
    MUC. Šárka Cihelková
  4. Miscellaneous



1) Opening

Chairman of the senate MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., opened the academic senate session by welcoming the present members of the academic senate and specially the guests of the meeting prof. J. Koutecký, DrSc., doc. MUDr. J. Hercogová, CSc., prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, prof. MUDr. Jan Herget, DrSc. and Ing. Eva Kuželová.
Checking of the previous Minutes was without any remarks.

  1. Minutes from 21st May 2003 – item 4) Curriculum – teaching of Pharmacology and Pathology in 3rd year – a contribution of MUC. Ondřej Fiala. After the discussion the senate suggested to work out a new suggestion of the Curriculum, which will be dealt with the pedagogical commission of the senate. The conclusion of the commission will be submitted to the Dean's board and to the scientific council of the Faculty.
    Result: MUC. Fiala did not submit the proposal at this session – the senate postponed this matter to the next Session in September.


2) The Faculty Management reports


Vote counters were appointed: as. MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný
MUDr. Zuzana Chvojková
  1. Professor Šnajdauf asked the senate to express their opinion on the prolongation of the functional term of office for:
    doc. MUDr. Karel Cvachovec, CSc.
    head of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Clinic 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Motol University Hospital
    for 5 years without announcing a competition until 31. 1. 2009.
    Voting: present: 15
      for: 15
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The senate recommended to prolong the term of office.
    prof. MUDr. Jan Herget, DrSc.

    Head of the Department of Physiology 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University
    Prolongation of term of office without announcing a competition for 5 years until 31st January 2009.
    Voting: present: 15
      for: 15
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: The senate recommended to prolong the term of office.
  2. The secretary of the Faculty informed the senate about drawing of the budget for the year 2003 – for the period from January to May – 33,6 % was drawn.
  3. Newly established bachelor branches have not been included so far into the agenda of Accreditation commission of Ministery of Education and Science of the Czech Republic. The Faculty will not open these branches for accreditation in the year 2003/2004. Applicants will be notified in writing and the fee for the entrance examination will be returned.
  4. Vice-Dean Pelouch informed the senate about the course of entrance exams which was without any problems. The results of the 1st and 2nd round are available. Alternative term of entrance exams will take place on 26th and 27th June, conditions of entrance exams are the same as those for the regular term. The main reception committee will hold a meeting on 30th June 2003, 200 applicants will be enrolled to study for the master's degree and maximum 25 applicants of physiotherapy.
    Vice-Dean Pelouch discussed the question of a change of entrance exams for the academic year 2004/2005. A proposal for this change will be submitted to the senate at the academic senate session in September 2003.
  5. The Dean of the Faculty informed the senate about the following progress in the matter of the establishment of a Paediatrics Clinic of Haematology and Oncology 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Motol University Hospital.
    1. The Dean of the Faculty asked The Chancellor of Charles University in a letter to establish the above-mentioned clinics.
    2. The Minister of Education and Science will be asked via the Chancellor's office of the Charles University to express their consent with the establishment of these clinics.
    3. Simultaneously The Minister of Health and Social Security will be asked the same way to express their consent.
    4. After receiving approvals of all superior organs (Chancellor's office, Ministery of Education and Science of the Czech Republic, Ministery of Health and Social Security of the Czech Republic) the Dean of the Faculty will announce a competition for the heads of the clinics. Newly suggested conception of a Paediatrics Clinic will be a condition for this competition.
  6. MUC. Michal Pelíšek informed the senate about the approval of the scholarship rules of the Charles University by the senate of Charles University.
  7. Vice-Dean Herget informed the senate about the success of a student Zuzana Pouzová from the 5th class of the 2nd Medical Faculty, who was awarded 1st prize by the French Ambassy for best research. He silmultaneously claimed that the atmosphere for research is very good at the Faculty.


3) Information about the foundation of a students club at the 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University

Šárka Cihelková informed the senate about the activities of a newly founded students club at the 2nd Medical Faculty, which will exist as a non-profit making organization. Currently the statutes are worked out and there is an organizational scheme at the club (executive board and supervisory board). The executive board is composed of 3–5 co-ordinators of the projects, the supervisory board is made of the board of the academic senate, 2nd Medical Faculty Charles University. Students club account has been founded, financial means are supposed to be obtained from grants (2 grants are submitted) and sponsors. Šárka Cihelková proposed 5 programme activity levels:

  • General educational activities.
  • Humanitarian activities (help offered in refugee camps centered on children).
  • Cultural activities.
  • International activities (affiliations).
  • European association of students of medicine.

Result: The senate took this information into account. Šárka Cihelková will inform the senate about other activities of the club at the next senate session in September.


4) Miscellaneous


  1. The academic senate appointed the representatives for the competition commissions:
    • head of the Department of Histology and Embryology 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University
      preliminary term: 16th July 2003 (Wednesday) at 1 o'clock
      representative of the academic senate 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University: prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc.
    • head of the Department of Anatomy 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University
      preliminary term: 16th July 2003 at 1.30
      representative of the academic senate 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University: prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc.
    • head of the Department of Medical Microbiology 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Motol University Hospital
      preliminary term: 16th July 2003 at 2 o'clock
      representative of the academic senate 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University: prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc.
    • lecturer of the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Motol University Hospital
      preliminary term: 15th September 2003 (Monday) at 12 o'clock
      representative of the academic senate 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University: as. MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný
    • lecturer of the Clinic of Dermatology and Venerology 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Motol University Hospital
      preliminary term: 15th September 2003 at 12.30
      representative of the academic senate 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University: as. MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný
  2. PhDr. Ivana Mokrošová, head of the Department of Languages informed the academic senate about activities and staff of the Department. (5,5 loads). She addressed the senate because the question of teaching languages at the Faculty was on the agenda of the academic senate session in April.
    The Department of Languages provides teaching of Latin, foreign and Czech medical terminology and professional language
    • studies for Master degree (Latin + 1 foreign language)
    • studies for Bachelor degree (Latin + 1 foreign language)
    • doctoral studies of biomedicine (208 doctorates in full and combined forms of studies), international students (Latin + Czech – 6 terms, 4–6 hours a week)
    • organizes exams within the frame of doctoral studies of biomedicine
    • organizes exams for affiliations abroad in co-operation with IMFSA within the frame of Erasmus programme
    • takes a share in translations for the Faculty
    • does translations for the academic senate
    • implements language proofs of professional articles
    • organizes paid language courses for students, doctors and employees of the Faculty (extra professional load, 10 % of the collected money is handed to the Faculty)
    • organized paid courses of sign language
    • organizes and provides language consultancy
    • provides legalized translations (English, German, French)
    PhDr. Mokrošová informed the senate, that she has submitted a new conception of teaching languages at the Faculty, work loads included.
    Result: The senate took this information into account.
  3. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., the chairman of the senate, informed the members about the challenge to support a common project of reform of university education and a demand to get full financial support from the state budget. The poster was placed on the Faculty notices during the entrance exams. The diagram, which shows the rise in number of students of universities and state subsidies in 1994–2001, is a part of it.

  • Next session of the academic senate will take place on Wednesday 17th September 2003 in the small left lecture room of the Faculty at 2.30.
  • TheMinutes were sent to the Department of Languages for translation into English for the web sites of international students on 27th June 2003.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: ass. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 17. 9. 2003 / Modified: 10. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK