The minute of 8th session of AS CU 2nd FM 15th November 2006

Datum konání

The Minute – the 8th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 15th November 2006

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting, appointment of scrutators
  2. Check of the minutes, approving of the programme
  3. The Faculty Management Reports
  4. Proposal of the Faculty´s internal regulation ‘Rules for Scholarship Grantig’
  5. Discussion and opinions concerning the internal regulation ‘Rules for supporting free-time activities of students of Charles University in Prague’
  6. Report of the election committees on preparation of the elections in the academic senate
  7. Miscellanea



1) Opening of the meeting and appointment of scrutators

Prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. welcomed all presents members at the meeting.
MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný and David Major were appointed scrutators.


2) Check of the minutes, approving of the programme

Check of the minutes from the previous meeting was without any comments.


3) The Faculty Management Reports

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty, informed the academic senate, that he, in a written form, made an appointment with JUDr. Ing. Miloslav Ludvík, MBA, where they will solve individual problems. The first issue they are going to deal with, is the ‘notice on the students catering’.
The lawyers of the Faculty and the University, as well as the legal department of the hospital, have been working on the ‘agreement on cooperation between the Faculty and the Hospital’.
There was a discussion in which the members of the students chamber asked the present members of the Dean´s college what they can do for the successful solution of the problem with their catering. They were advised, to send, in the first place, a letter to the Hospital´s director, with a question, what was the reason for this situation, what caused the problems with the students´ catering (long queues, taking many seats in the dining hall etc.).
Further the Dean asked for the approvement of new members of the scientific council:

doc. MUDr. Milan Kvapil, CSc. – the Department of Internal Medicine
prof. MUDr. Jan Lebl, CSc. – the Department of Pediatrics
prof. MUDr. Petr Niederle, DrSc. – the Department of Cardiology of the Homolka Hospital

There was appointed a committee to establish the results of voting:

Chairman: prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc.
Members: MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný
David Major

Voting concerning doc. MUDr. Milan Kvapil, CSc.

Voting: for: 16
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

After checking and counting of ballots, the chairman of the committee announced that the academic senate agreed with a new member of the scientific council.
Voting concerning prof. MUDr. Jan Lebl, CSc.

Voting: for: 16
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

After checking and counting of ballots, the chairman of the committee announced that the academic senate agreed with a new member of the scientific council.
Voting concerning prof. MUDr. Petr Niedrdle, DrSc.

Voting: for: 16
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

After checking and counting of ballots, the chairman of the committee announced that the academic senate agreed with a new member of the scientific council.
MUDr. Jan Rajnoch informed the academic senate of the Faculty about individual preliminary terms of the reconstruction work at Plzeňská street.
The members of the academic senate are looking forward to opening of the construction work and its progressing.


4) The proposal of the internal regulation ‘Rules for Scholarship Grantig’

The academic senate discussed the internal regulation ‘Rules of Scholarship Granting’ submitted by prof. MUDr. Martin Vízek, CSc.
They proposed to divide the group C into single years, followed by voting:

Voting: for: 15
  against: 0
  abstained: 1

The Vice-Dean for the Study told the senate, that the Chancellor recommended to include into the text, that one group will include both the Students studying according to the new study plan and the students studying according to the ending study plan.
The academic senate voted about this change:

Voting: for: 16
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

Finally the senate voted about the whole wording of the Rules for Scholarship Granting:

Voting: for: 16
  against: 0
  abstained: 0


5) Discussion and opinions concerning the internal regulation of Charles University ‘Rules for supporting free-time activities of students of Charles University in Prague’

The academic senate acknowledged the Rules for supporting free time activities of the students of Charles University in Prague without any comments.

Voting: for: 11
  against: 0
  abstained: 5


6) Report of the election committees about the preparation of the elections into the AS

The Chairwoman of the election committees prof. RNDr. Helena Tomášová, CSc., informed the AS that the lists of candidates had been sent to all teachers. The students select their candidates on the internet. On the 26th November the votes will be counted and the list will be formed. The list will be published on the Faculty´s websites.
The list of candidates will be published on the internet on the 28th November 2006. The elections will take place on 12. – 13. 11. 2006. There will be a total of 24 candidates, of which the minimum one but the maximum 12 will be selected. The elections will take place in person after the checking of the voters.


7) Miscellanea


  • Next ordinary meeting of the academic senate will take place on Wednesday 13th December 2006 at 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture room of the Faculty.
  • The minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on 22nd November 2006 to be translated into English for the websites of international students.


Recorded by: Gabriela Bartejsová
Approved by: prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. – chairman of the AS
Created: 10. 1. 2007 / Modified: 12. 11. 2018 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK