The Minute – the 8th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 16th October 2002
Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet
Opening of the meeting and checking of the Minutes
doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.
The Faculty Management reports
Appointment of new head physicians of departments/clinics of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University
Preparation of the election of candidates for the position of the Dean of the Faculty – meeting of the Faculty's academic community (specification of the time of the beginning)
Preparation of the elections for the new members of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine for the election/function period January 2003 to January 2005
Reports/news from the Session of the academic senate of Charles University
MUC. Michal Pelíšek
- Miscellaneous