The minute of 8th session of AS CU 2nd FM 16th October 2002

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The Minute – the 8th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 16th October 2002

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting and checking of the Minutes
    doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.
  2. The Faculty Management reports
  3. Appointment of new head physicians of departments/clinics of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University
  4. Preparation of the election of candidates for the position of the Dean of the Faculty – meeting of the Faculty's academic community (specification of the time of the beginning)
  5. Preparation of the elections for the new members of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine for the election/function period January 2003 to January 2005
  6. Reports/news from the Session of the academic senate of Charles University
    MUC. Michal Pelíšek
  7. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the meeting

Doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc. opened the session of the academic senate by welcoming of the present members of the senate, especially of the guests prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., doc. MUDr. J. Bartůňková, DrSc., doc. MUDr. J. Hercogová, CSc., prof. MUDr. J. Herget, DrSc., prof. RNDr. V. Pelouch, CSc., prof. MUDr. J. Šnajdauf, DrSc. a Ing. E. Kuželová.
Doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc. informed the senate on the abdication of two members of the students chamber – Jaroslav Kratochvíl and Ivo Minárik. Based on the results of the elections for the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University from 2000, Martin Dostál and Markéta Urbanová were appointed new members of the senate.
Checking of the Minutes was without remarks.


2) Faculty Management reports


  • prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký, DrSc.
    Dean of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine
    1. Due to this August floods, the budget of the Faculty for 2002 will be reduced by more than one million CZK. In spite of this fact, the Faculty will pay to the Faculty employees the 13th salary (an extra bonus) and scholarships paid to the students with good study results.
    2. The questionnaire concerning the evaluation of the teaching that was newly organized in the course of the registration week, was submitted by 75 % students. The questionnaire will be evaluated by doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., the head of the Department of Medical Informatics.
    3. The matriculation ceremony of the 1st year students took place of 15th October in the Great Hall of Karolinum.
    4. The question of possibility of the higher grades students to register themselves during the summer holidays was discussed with the Study Dept. of the Dean´s Office. The head of the department submitted a letter explaining the approach adopted by the Study Dept. In case the secretary for the particular year was not on the leave, the student´s requests were fulfilled. They however did not get certain registration – related documents, given to the Faculties by the Rector´s Office of Charles University usually after the summer holidays.

Presentation of the Faculty Vice-Deans and the evaluation of the three-year function period:

  • doc. MUDr. Jiřina Bartůňková, DrSc.
    Vice-Dean for the Faculty Development
    1. A longterm project of the Faculty was elaborated and updated – the project is available on www sites of the Faculty.
    2. Construction of the new building of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine on the grounds of the Motol University Hospital was included into the developmental programme of the Faculty. At present there is being worked out the ideological study by the Studio DOMY ltd and there have been taken steps for the implementation of the project.
    3. By the maximum utilization of specific subsidies (developmental programmes, investment projects), the Faculty improved the technical equipment of workplaces.
    4. The Faculty started accreditations of new Bachelor and Master study programmes:
      Bachelor study programmes:
      • Specialization in health care, Laboratory technician
      • Nursing, General nurse
      • Specialization in health care, Registered radiological technician
      Master programmes:
      • Physiotherapy Master degree full time course – five years of studies
      • Physiotherapy follow up master full time course – two years of studies
      • Public health care & management
    5. In the frame of the ERASMUS programme there has been established cooperation with the University in Montpellier – exchange stays of students.
    6. Evaluation of the Faculty was implemented – the evaluation criteria have been elaborated.
  • prof. MUDr. Jan Herget, DrSc.
    Vice-Dean for Science, Research and Foreign Contacts
    1. In the field of science, the Faculty becomes comparable with relevant schools abroad, the volume of research work and works published attain the average of foreign faculties:
      grants for 1999 66       34 million CZK
      grants for 2001 107 70 million CZK
      grants for 2002 93 76 million CZK
      The Faculty has five research projects and three scientific – research centres, the well functioning grant department of the Faculty was successfully established.
      The Library is primarily a scientific library at a good level, secondarily it functions as a source of study material for the students.
    2. The works published by the Faculty members are followed, at the Faculty there are eight departments which do not solve any grant and do not have any impacted publications.
    3. The Faculty organized student scientific conferences, which had a very good level and fulfilled their purpose.
    4. The Faculty has a total of 190 postgraduate students, the applications for the extension of studies are solved at sessions of the scientific council of the Faculty. The one year extended study is refunded by the Faculty from the budget.
    5. Three medical faculties of Charles University defined the criteria for scientific work – criteria for habilitation (higher doctorate) procedures and appointment procedure of University Professor. The criteria are strictly observed – the exceptions are not admitted. In 1998 there were 8 habilitation procedures, in 2001 – 6 habilitation procedures and 3 Professor appointments, in 2000 – 6 habilitation procedures and 1 Professor appointment, in 2002 – 6 habilitation procedures and 3 Professor appointments, till the end of the year there are 6 more habilitation procedures planned.
    6. In the field of foreign contacts, the cooperation with the University of Texas Medical School and Medical School of King´s College of London have continued, in the frame work of the ERASMUS programme, study stays in Germany and France.
  • prof. MUDr. Jiří Šnajdauf, DrSc.
    Vice-Dean for Internal Affairs of the Faculty
    1. During the past function period, the Disciplinary Commission did not solve any relevant issue. In the respect of personnel there were no substantial problems.
    2. The problem of salaries of university teachers and recruitment of teachers from the ranks of health care workers still persists.
    3. Cooperation with the management of the Motol University Hospital is correct.
  • prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc.
    Vice-Dean for Study of theoretical and pre-clinical disciplines
    1. New curriculum of the Faculty has been elaborated as well as the calculation of credits for individual disciplines and syllabi of the lectures. All of them can be seen on www sites of the Faculty.
    2. Preparation of the entrance procedure of the applicants for the study at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine for the academic year 2003/20004 is in progress.
    3. The section of the Study Dept. participates in preparation of source material for payments of scholarhips to students with good results.
    4. There has been solved the sphere of foreign contacts of the students, namely exchange study stays and the organization of competitions.
    5. The most delicate problem at the moment is the recruitment of international students; only five students registered themselves in the first year of the academic year 2002/2003. The Faculty management will inform the senate about the solution of this situation.
  • doc. MUDr. Jana Hercogová, CSc.
    Vice-Dean for the Study of Clinical Subjects
    1. The heads of individual disciplines were appointed for the purposes of efficient solution of teaching related matters.
    2. The accreditation in the system of lifelong education of doctors in accordance with the professional regulation No. 16 of the Czech Medical Chamber.
    3. In cooperation with the senate of the Faculty, the amendment of the Study and Examination Code was approved.


3) Appointment of the Heads of Workplaces (Clinics)

Prof. MUDr. Jiří Šnajdauf, DrSc., Vice-Dean for the Internal Affairs of the Faculty, submitted to the senate, based on the results of the competition procedure, for the discussion a proposal for the appointment of new heads:
The appointment of doc. MUDr. Lukáš Rob, CSc., the head of the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital:

Voting: present: 20
  for: 20
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

Result: Approved
Appointment of doc. MUDr. Dana Göpfertová, CSc., the head of the Department of Epidemiology of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine:

Voting: present: 20
  for: 18
  against: 2
  abstained: 0

Result: Approved


4) Preparation of the candidate for the position of the Dean of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University

By means of voting (18-1-1), the academic senate expressed its consent with a new term for the meeting of the academic community of the Faculty and presentation of the Candidates for the function of the Dean the 2nd Faculty of Medicine on 6th November from 2.00 p.m. at the Great Hall of the Faculty. The election of the Dean by the academic senate will take place after the end of the session of the academic community.


5) Preparation of the elections of new members of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine

The academic senate began to prepare for the lection of new members of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University for the term of service from 1st January 2003 till 31st January 2005. The senate appointed the Election Commitee as follows:
The Teachers Board:
prof. RNDr. Helena Tomášová, CSc.

Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
MUDr. Hana Maxová, Ph.D.
Department of Pathological Physiology
MUDr. Renata Ocmanová
Clinic of Rehabilitation
Students Chamber:
Radek Ampapa

Student of the 5th year of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (General Medicine)
Martin Šín
Student of the 3rs year of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (General Medicine)
Jana Dvořáková
Student of the 3rs year of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (General Medicine)


6) Reports/news from the Session of the academic senate of Charles University


  1. Flood related damage suffered mainly the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Trója, Karlín), the library of the Law Faculty (100,000 books), Faculty of Sports (the Nostic Palace, boathouse in Trója) and Hostels and students´canteens of Charles University (Hostel and canteen of 17th November). Other premises of Charles University out of Prague were also seriously damaged (Poříčí near Strakonice and Dobronice near Tábor). The total damage suffered by Charles University reached 378 million CZK.
    In cooperation with association Člověk v tísni (Man in trouble), Charles University established a centre for volunteers aimed at coordination of the work of volunteers. The running of the centre was ensured for 24 hours mainly by university students. The centre sent about 3,000 volunteers to places such as Prague, Nové Kopisty, Zálezlice, Kly, Tuhaň etc.
    By 15th October it was possible for the students and personnel of Charles University to apply for financial support in the context with personal damage caused by the floods. The academic senate of Charles University approved formation of financial reserve for the purposes of refunding of the flood related damage reaching 1.7 % from the subsidy for the scientific activities for the year 2002 (for the 2nd Faculty it represents cutting down the budget by about one million CZK).
  2. The academic senate of Charles University was informed about submitted proposals for the post of the Rector. The only candidate for this position is the present Rector Professor Ivan Wilhelm. The election will take place on 30th October 2002 at the Patriots´ Hall of Karolinum.
  3. In the course of summer, there took place three sessions of the commission which assessed appeals in case of students who did not get accommodation in hostels for the year 2002/2003. The members of the commission were: Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Chair of the Hostel Boards Committee and M. Pelíšek from the 2nd Faculty of Medicine for the students chamber. The procedure took into consideration mainly the following criteria: health and social aspects, being a victim of the flood, at least one semester study stay abroad of the students to whom the number of points had been originally reduced due to exceeding the standard length of the studies.
  4. The academic senate of Charles University did not approve the Amendment of the Scholarship Code of Charles University which should have, among others, increased the minimum level of the scholarship from 5,000 CZK to 6,000 CZK.
  5. The net of Hertie Supermarket offers the scholarship for a student in duration of one to two semesters in Germany and German speaking countries. The information can be obtained from vice-deans for the Study of individual faculties or directly at the Foreign Dept. of Charles University. The deadline for applications is by the end of this November.
  6. The academic senate supported the purchase of the premises Vltava in Hostivař, which will serve, in the near future, as a hostel for the students of Charles University.
  7. The academic senate of Charles University announced elections for the Board of universities.


7) Miscellaneous


  1. Doc. PaedDr. Pavel Kolář, the head of the Clinic of Rehabilitation, specified the proposal for the accreditation of new Master degree programmes of Physiotherapy – the follow-up Master course in Physiotherapy lasting 2 years and the Master course in Physiotherapy – five years study.
    The follow-up Master degree course in Physiotherapy whose aim is to obtain the extended professional qualification in Physiotherapy in connection with the Bachelor course will be with regard to time, limited. The condition for the application for the entrance procedure is the completed Bachelor course in Physiotherapy. The Bachelor course in Physiotherapy and the follow-up Master degree course in Physiotherapy will fully replace the five year Master course in Physiotherapy.
  2. The memorandum of the Chair of the academic senate of Charles University informed about the establishing of the Board of universities for the function period 2003–2005. The academic senate unequivocally supported the candidacy of doc. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc., associate Professor of the 2nd Clinic of Paediatrics of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine in Motol as a member of the working committee for scientific work.
  3. In connection with resignation of Jaroslav Kratochvíl and Ivo Minárik from the membership in the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, the members of the Commission for Study and Disciplinary commission changed as follows:
    Commission for Study
    Chair: doc. PhDr. Jana Kocourková
    Members: doc. PaedDr. Pavel Kolář
    Michal Pelíšek
    Zuzana Francová
    Disciplinary Commission
    Chair: doc. MUDr. Vilma Marešová, CSc.
    Members: doc. MUDr. Karel Dohnal, CSc.
    Zuzana Chvojková
    David Major
    Zuzana Francová
  4. The senate discussed the question of the introduction of the Bachelor study programmes at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and proposed to join these new disciplines with the approval of the Faculty´s budget and ask for the particular economic distribution according to individual disciplines – to express the costs and profit following from them for the Faculty. To the discussion concerning the Bachelor Courses will be invited their sponsors.
  5. Vice-Dean Bartůňková asked students for the cooperation in organizing of the official ball of the Faculty in the frame of celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Faculty foundation.
  6. In discussion about the news from the management-study affairs, the problem of organization of teaching for the international students was solved. At certain departments the condition to present examination questions in English is not fulfilled. The representative of international students in the senate asked for putting this right. The study department of the Dean´s Office will repeatedly send a circular letter (memo) with this request to all workplaces.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc. – chairman of the AS
Created: 20. 11. 2002 / Modified: 31. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK