The minute of 5th session of AS CU 2nd FM 19th May 2004

Datum konání

The Minute – the 5th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 19th May 2004

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting and check of the last meeting minutes
    doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
  2. Faculty directorship reports
  3. How to prevent inaccuracies?
  4. University hospitals – reports from the meeting of the directorships of medical faculties
  5. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the meeting and check of the minutes

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. opened the meeting, welcomed all present members of the senate and gave a special welcome to the meeting guests prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., prof. RNDr. V. Pelouch, CSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc. and Ing. E. Kuželová.
The minutes were approved without any comments.


2) Faculty directorate reports

prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký, DrSc.
Dean of the Faculty

code department   average 2001 average 2002 average 2003
610 Dpt. of Neuroscience Syková 249 % 512 % 848 %
722 Dpt. of Immunology Bartůňková 255 % 224 % 234 %
716 Dpt. of Biology and Medical Genetics Goetz 177 % 218 % 215 %
350 2nd Dpt. of Pediatrics Vavřinec 209 % 199 % 188 %
320 Dpt. of Anatomy Druga 104 % 99 % 168 %
710 Dpt. of Physiology Herget 225 % 213 % 153 %
471 Dpt. of Publ. Health and Prev. Med. Dohnal 70 % 77 % 140 %
312 Dpt. of Path. Physiology Vízek 88 % 82 % 132 %
352 Dpt. of Clin. Biochemistry and Pathobioch. Průša 115 % 117 % 131 %
462 Dpt. of Pediatr. Oncology Koutecký 133 % 101 % 120 %
443 Dpt. of Pediatr. Psychology Hrdlička 137 % 125 % 112 %
383 Dpt. of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Cvachovec 88 % 100 % 108 %
390 Dpt. of Gynecology and Obstetrics Rob 136 % 139 % 104 %
712 Dpt. of Med. Chemistry and Biochemistry Pelouch 126 % 107 % 101 %
441 Dpt. of Pediatric Neurology Komárek 114 % 112 % 100 %
422 Dpt. of Dermatovenereology Hercogová 95 % 96 % 99 %
341 Dpt. of Internal Medicine Kvapil 94 % 100 % 95 %
372 Dpt. of Urology Kawaciuk 75 % 75 % 80 %
412 Dpt. Of Pediatr. Ophtalmology Dotřelová 84 % 95 % 76 %
442 Dpt. of Neurology Bojar 115 % 96 % 76 %
711 Dpt. of Ethics and Med. Principles Příhoda 64 % 77 % 76 %
360 1s Dpt. of Pediatrics Janda 82 % 71 % 73 %
432 Dpt. of Rehabilitation Kolář 94 % 78 % 73 %
840 Dpt. of Med. Informatics Kasal 34 % 65 % 68 %
461 Dpt. of Imaging Methods Neuwirth 132 % 84 % 67 %
381 Dpt. of Pediatr. Surgery Šnajdauf 72 % 55 % 66 %
382 Dpt. of Orthopaedics Trč 46 % 49 % 64 %
321 Dpt. of Pathology and Molec. Medicine Kodet 122 % 94 % 61 %
430 Dpt. of Physical Education Med. Radvanský 48 % 39 % 61 %
810 Dpt. of Nuclear Med. And Endocrinology Vlček 73 % 59 % 59 %
715 Dpt. of Histology and Embryology Vajner 93 % 55 % 57 %
411 Dpt. of Otorhinolaryngology Kabelka 61 % 54 % 54 %
413 Dpt. of Pediatr. Stomatology Kozák 69 % 51 % 48 %
371 Dpt. of Surgery for Adults Hoch 63 % 60 % 47 %
421 1st Dpt. of Infectious Diseases Marešová 54 % 52 % 41 %
714 Dpt. of Biophysics Amler 29 % 38 % 37 %
311 Dpt. of Pharmacology Švihovec 30 % 33 % 36 %
322 Dpt. of Forensic Medicine Bouška 33 % 34 % 34 %
323 Dpt. of Microbiology Součková 68 % 50 % 31 %
  1. The complaints about quality of work in the department of science are under consideration, a new member of the staff will be employed from September, Mrs. Berková asked for retirement.
  2. New accreditations for ‘habilitation’ (postdoctoral university qualification) and Professor procedures are being reconsidered. Many departments did not fulfil the condition – a postgraduate student degree status – and therefore did not succeed in getting accreditation. The major problems to receive accreditation are seen in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics. At present, these departments asked for the following:
    • the field of internal medicine to be reaccredited
    • to expand accreditation in the field of immunology for the procedures of Professors appointments
    • an application for reaccreditation in the field of surgery is prepared to be sent
    • an application for reaccreditation in oncology is being prepared.
  3. Evaluation of the faculty departments has been carried out and at the same time comparison of results for the period 2001–2003 has been done. There seems to be a general tendency: good workplaces keep their status and departments of poor quality tend to stand out. According to evaluation results, the flexible part of wages can be altered in the departments with poor quality. In case there is no improvement of the standards, staff changes must follow.
  4. Complaints concerning low standards of teaching in the department of Pharmacology: the Faculty directorate has made the first steps – the department will be moved from Albertov to the theoretical and preclinical departments in Plzeňská street. Staff questions will follow.
  5. Future prospects of the department of Medical Microbiology are considered, the faculty directorship has established contacts with new employees, sen. consult. Mr. Nyč is ready for ‘habilitation’.
  6. A list of students having a precedence to get a place in students halls of Charles University in Prague for the academic year 2004/2005 has been sent to the Rector´s Office.
  7. The Dean´s Committee discussed the reguest of MUC. Tvaroh, who asked for support of the Medical Ball and the backup of The Week of Unrest Initiative. The outcomes will be known at the next meeting of CD.
  8. Concerning students requests to have the possibility of boarding in UH cafeteria in Motol, the first move has been done, an agreement adjusting the conditions for boarding has been sent for the attention of the director of students halls and cafeterias of CU.

prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc.
The Vice-dean for the studies of theoretical and preclinical subjects

  1. The entrance examination procedure for master's study programme takes place on 21.–22. 6. 2004, an additional term: 28.–29. 6. 2004, an extra term: 15.–16. 9. 2004 (only for students from the CR graduating abroad – an application is required).
  2. The entrance examination procedure for newly established bachelor's study programmes takes place on 15.–16. 7. 2004, an additional term: 22.–23. 7. 2004, an extra term: 15.–16. 9. 2004 (only for students from the CR graduating abroad – an application is required).
  3. Graduation ceremony – 9. 7. 2004 in Karolinum.
  4. Entrance examination procedures for the academic year 2005/2006 will be held on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th June 2005. Changes in the entrance procedure will be presented to the AS at the meeting in June.

doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.
The Vice-dean for the studies of clinical subjects

  1. The students chamber submitted concrete complaints concerning pharmacology courses, the Dean´s Committee will discuss these comments.
  2. The increase of number of places for study stays abroad in ERASMUS programme has been discussed with MUDr. Černý. The increase of the number depends on personal contacts of pedagogical staff with workplaces abroad. At present Lithuania offered an educational stay for 2 students per year and other possibility is discussed with Spanish representatives.
  3. Starting from the new acadmic year, the conditions for signing up optional subjects will be modified. It will not be possible to switch optional subjects in the course of the studies. Any change will be allowed exceptionally, on the basis of an application and the Vice-dean´s approval. In case, there are no vacancies in the particular course, students shall take another course.
  4. Following students´ requests from the present 3rd year, the number of study groups was increased to 9.


3) How to prevent inaccuracies?

The senate discussed the question how to prevent future mistakes in the agendas of ‘habilitation’ procedures, grants and in accreditations of study programmes at the faculty. The AS finds it incorrect that the faculty representative did not submit the proposal of the pediatric research plan (RP), which should bring financing of pediatric and genetic projects of other faculties. Despite the fact that some parts of the projects were appended to other RPs, the Faculty has suffered a loss of its prestige. The members of the faculty directorate themselves, consider this event to be one of the worst in the history of the faculty. However, the dean admitted, there were no measures done in this respect. Recently, a crucial mistake has been made twice in the interpretation of results of the ‘habilitation’ procedure, which also shows the Faculty in a bad light. The Faculty will employ a new person in the department of research and science in September 2004.
The AS asked the directorate of the Faculty to draw necessary consequences from potential mistakes which can of course appear.


4) University Hospitals – latest information from the meeting of the directorates of medical faculties

Following the initiative of the 3rd Medical Faculty, a meeting of the representatives of medical faculties was called, the matter of university hospitals was discussed. The impulse was given by the 1st Medical Faculty – by the idea of merging of three university hospitals in Prague into one unit (UH Bulovka, Thomayer´s university hospital and General university hospital). The representatives of the faculties authorized the head of the Association of Deans of MF in the CR, doc. MUDr. Bohuslav Svoboda, CSc., to make an appointment with the minister of health, so as to discuss the accreditation of MF for specialization education and the question of institutionalization of university hospitals.


5) Miscellaneous


  1. Doc. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D. discussed the issue of regular checkup of work of postgraduate students and supervision of all the agenda connected with their work, mainly in students in ‘internal form’ of PhD studies. Doc. Trka suggests that students outline their study results once a year for the past period.
  2. Filippe Viera Lima Cabrita, a representative of international students, asked for more lessons of Czech for international students – one lesson a week upto the 6th year. The proposal was turned down and the senate recommends to present another proposal.
  3. The elections of AS members – students´ communities. The students´ chamber decided on the number of students communities in the connection with newly established bachelor´s study programmes.
    • Community No 1: first year students of Master's programme
    • Community No 2: second year students of Master's programme
    • Community No 3: third year students of Master's programme
    • Community No 4: four year students of Master's programme
    • Community No 5: fifth and sixth year students of Master's programme
    • Community No 6: students of bachelor study programmes (physiotherapy, nursing care, laboratory assistant, radiological assistant)
    • Community No 7: international students
    • Community No 8: postgraduate students
    Result: The senate approved the proposal by voting (14-0-0).
  4. Prof. MUDr. Martin Vízek, CSc. discussed the possibility of electronic way of signing up for exams, there is also a possibility for students to sign up for a new academic year by the same way. Prof. Vízek will present the proposal of electronic processing of above stated possibilities at the next meeting of the academic senate.
  5. MUC. Tomáš Tvaroh asked the senate to appoint representatives of the Faculty senate for the meeting of academic senates of the faculties of all universities in the CR. The meeting takes place on 24th July 2004. The 2nd MF will be represented by:
    doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD.
    MUC. Tomáš Tvaroh
  6. The timetable of the meetings of the academic senate of CU 2nd MF in the academic year 2004/2005:
    15 September from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    20 October from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    24 November from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    15 December from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    19 January from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    16 February from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    16 March from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    20 April from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    18 May from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall
    15 June from 2.30 p.m. small left faculty lecture hall

  • The next meeting of the academic senate will be held on Weds. 16. 6. 2004 from 2.30 p.m. in the left small faculty lecture hall.
  • The minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on 2. 6. 2004 to be translated into English for web sites for international students.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 16. 6. 2004 / Modified: 7. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK