The minute of 10th session of AS CU 2nd FM 17th December 2003

Datum konání

The Minute – the 10th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 17th December 2003

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the session
  2. Faculty Directorship reports
  3. Disccussion with the Director of Motol University Hospital
  4. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the session and the minutes check

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. opened the meeting of the academic senate, greeted all the present senate members and gave a special welcome to the meeting guests JUDr. Ing. Miloslav Ludvík, doc. MUDr. J. Hercogová, Csc., prof. RNDr. V. Pelouch, Csc., prof. MUDr. J. Šnajdauf, DrSc. and Ing. E. Kuželová.
The last meeting minutes were approved without any comments.


2) Faculty Directorship reports


  1. The Vice-dean Mr. Pelouch put forward a proposal for conditions concerning transfer of students coming from other medical faculties; students who want to take on their studies at Charles University – the 2nd Medical Faculty (acc. to Art. 3 paragr. 6 Entrance Examination Act, Charles University in Prague).
    Admission conditions:
    1. The application form, including all the required data and the covered examination fee bill, must be put in before 29. 2. 2004.
    2. The application for admission without entrance examination must be put in before 15. 5. 2004, reasons for the transfer must be properly explained.
    3. Having all study duties fulfilled in the currently studied year (must be presented before 30. 6. 2004).
    The Dean of the Faculty will agree with the admission if:
    1. an applicant meets A–C requirements
    2. the study programmes of both faculties, when compared, are similar and not more than three differential examinations for the present (up to now) studies are required
    3. an applicant´s grade average is better than 2.5.
    Voting: present: 13
      for: 13
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: Approved


3) A disccussion with the Director of Motol University Hospital

The academic senate asked the Director of Motol University Hospital JUDr. Ing. Miloslav Ludvík to present information on the policy of THM in relation to the Faculty. The Director stated that the policy of THM is given by the Department of Health of the CR. The Faculty development strategy has five main points:

  • Paediatrics
  • Oncology – Haematological branch
  • Neurology – Rehabilitation branch
  • Traumatology – Orthopaedics branch
  • Transplantation branch

Is the Directorship of THM going to prefer bigger or smaller clinics?
The size of a clinic depends on the patients area, on the way a clinic is set in the framework of students teaching and as well as on the personality of the Head of the particular clinic (both scientific and organizing abilities are taken into consideration). Establishing of new clinics in the THM follows the trends in medicine and development in hospitals of similar types.
PhD programme and the interconnection between Faculty and Hospital.
Doc. MUDr. A. Šedivá, Csc. is in charge of Phd programme policy. Mrs. Šedivá has newly been appointed deputy director for Science and Research. Hospital is interested in the development of the above stated programme.
Establishing of University Hospitals.
According to the Department of Health, faculties should, in future, contribute more to university hospitals´ budgets. The Director of the THM finds the establishment of University Hospitals to be quite unfavourable for the faculties.
Reduction programme of THM and subsequent cancellation of the Dermatovenerological Clinic.
The Director has sharply denied an existing opinion that the reduction means a cancellation of the clinic. It is only the location of the clinic that is to be changed. Following the instruction of the DH of the CR, concerning the reduction of beds in basic departments in THM, the directorship considered the reduction of beds in Ophtalmology and Dermatovenereology to be reasonable. The directorship took into consideration the tendency of surgical fields to develop quickly. The Hospital directorship has, after many discussion with the Faculty, decided to agree on the solution, to move Dermatology to TH Bulovka, where teaching of students in the field of infectious diseases takes place and from where Dermatology had originally been transferred to THM.
Introduction of new laboratory techniques in THM.
The Deputy Director doc. Šedivá will consider the support of new techniques. All the proposals and suggestions are related to this question.


4) Miscellaneous


  1. Doc. Trka presented the senate a draft of a letter concerning the latests events in CMC (Czech Medical Chamber). The senate approved the contents of the letter by voting 12-1-0. The letter will be sent to President of CMC and to Chairpersons of academic senates of medical faculties in the CR.
  2. Prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc. has resigned from the membership in Universities Board, therefore the senate members suggested to appoint MUDr. Ondřej Cinek, Ph.D., a research worker of the 2nd Paediatric Clinic of CU 2nd MF and Motol University Hospital, to this post.
  • The next meeting of the academic senate takes place on Weds. 21. 1. 2004 from 2.30 pm in the small left lecture hall at the Faculty.
  • The Minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on 12. 1. 2004 to be translated into English and sent to www sites for international students.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 21. 1. 2004 / Modified: 14. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK