The minute of special session of AS CU 2nd FM 25th October 2006

Datum konání

The Minute – the special meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 25th October 2006

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting, appointment of scrutators
  2. Announcement of the elections
  3. Election of the committees – pedagogical and students
  4. Miscellanea



1) Opening of the meeting and appointment of scrutators

Prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. welcomed all present members.
MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný and David Major were appointed scrutators.


2) Announcement of the elections

The academic senate announced the elections for the AS of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine. The elections will take place from 29th to 30th November 2006. There was a discussion concerning the type of voting – whether it should be a direct or electronic voting, how to avoid possible problems.
Voting about the term of the elections for the AS:

Voting: for: 16
  against: 0
  abstained: 0


3) Election of the pedagogical and students committees

Pedagogical committee: prof. RNDr. Helena Tomášová, CSc., MUDr. Renata Ocmanová, Mgr. Daniela Holečková

Voting: for: 15
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

Students committee: Pavol Dovjak, Katarina Ličáková, Jan Zaplatílek

Voting: for: 14
  against: 0
  abstained: 1

Both committees were approved.


4) Miscellanea

On 8th November 2006 at 1.00 p.m. will take place a selection procedure for an academic member of the Department of histology and embryology of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine – prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. will be present as a representative of the academic senate.
On 8th November 2006 at 2.00 p.m. will meet the legislation committee (at the room for selection procedure) to discuss the Rules of scholarship – enclosure
The examination of the students after the opinion poll – more information for both students and teachers. Vice-Dean for Study prof. MUDr. Martin Vízek, CSc. will prepare background materials.
The Dean of Faculty doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. invited the present members to attend the concert that will take place on the 2nd November 2006 from 7.00 p.m.
Further he informed the AS about the average salary for 9 months of the year.
There was also a presentation of the electronic elections for the AS and answering of the questions.
The Rector's office of Charles University sent a proposal of a new internal regulations ‘Rules of supporting free-time activites of students of Charles University in Prague’ – enclosure

  • Next ordinary meeting of the academic senate will take place on Wednesday 15th November 2006 at 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture hall of the Faculty.
  • The Minutes were sent to the Department of Languages to be translated into English for the websites of international students on 14th November 2006.


Recorded by: Gabriela Bartejsová
Approved by: prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. – chairman of the AS
Created: 8. 11. 2006 / Modified: 19. 11. 2018 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK