The minute of 9th session of AS CU 2nd FM 24th November 2004

Datum konání

The Minute – the 9th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 24th November 2004

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting and checking of the last meeting minutes
  2. Faculty management reports
  3. Information about the ERASMUS programme at the 2nd Medical Faculty
  4. Information of the 1st round of the election of new members for the academic senate of the 2nd MF and the academic senate of Charles University
  5. Outline of the Faculty's policy, discussion
  6. Miscellanea



1) Opening of the meeting and checking of the last meeting minutes

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. opened the meeting, welcomed all present members of the senate with a special attention to the guests – prof. MUDr. J. Herget, DrSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc. and Ing. E. Kuželová.
The minutes were approved without any comments.


2) Faculty management reports

prof. MUDr. Jan Herget, DrSc.
Vice-Dean for Science, Research and International Relations

  1. The Award of the Education Minister was granted to MUDr. Pavel Seeman, Ph.D. of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine
  2. The Award ‘Czech Head’ was conferred upon MUDr. Josef Zámečník, Ph.D.
  3. The Josef Hlávka Prize was awarded to Mgr. Josef Madžo, Ph.D.
  4. The Rectorate of Charles University has been concerned with the evaluation of its faculties, the results will be presented at the session of the scientific board of Charles University in January.
  5. The meeting of the head physicians of departments and chambers (professions) with the Faculty management wil take place on 6th December 2004. Professor Herget invited the members of the senate to submit the items of its agenda.

doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.
Vice-Dean for the Clinical Disciplines

  1. Vice-Dean Zoban asked the students for the speedy delivery of their opinion as for the extended teaching of practical medicine.
  2. He informed about the terms of entrance examinations in the Master´s Degree Programme in General Medicine for the study programme in English: 22nd June 2005, 13th July 2005 and 21st September 2005.
  3. For the present academic year, 35 international students have been accepted to the 1st year.
  4. The conditions for admission of students from other medical faculties who wish to continue with their studies at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (in accordance with the article 3, paragraph 6 of the Rules of Admission Procedure of Charles University in Prague) are the following
    1. Submitting of the application for the study including all required essentials and the document on payment of the administration fee for the admission procedure till 28th February 2005.
    2. Submission of the application without the entrance examination till 15th May 2005 with a relevant justification of the transfer.
    3. Fulfilling of all study duties in the presently attended year of the studies (the students prove till 30th July 2005).
    The Dean of the Faculty will decide about the student´s admission in the case that:
    1. The applicant will comply with the A–C conditions;
    2. In comparison of the curricula of both faculties it will not be necessary to pass more than three differentiation exams during the whole present study of the applicant;
    3. The average result obtained so far by the applicant has been lower than 2.50.
    Result: By means of voting (14-0-0), the senate expressed its consent with the conditions.
  5. The Secretary of the Faculty informed about the payment of the scholarships for outstanding study achievements. The payment will take place on 2nd and 3rd December 2004, the substitute term being on 15th December 2004 at the cashier´s desk of the Dean´s office of the Faculty. The payment of scholarship will concern 166 students; the sum is 6,000 CZK per student.


3) The information about the ERASMUS programme at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine

Lecturer MUDr. Rudolf Černý, CSc. informed the senate about the organization of study stays for students in the frame of the Erasmus programme at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine:

  • The contracts between faculties are concluded on the basis of personal contacts, the minimal interest is shown on the side of British universities which is due to the delayed introduction of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine into this programme.
  • The Faculty has presently concluded contracts with 9 universities for study stays, we can delegate 17 students and 2 students in the postgraduate course every year. For the next academic year, the interchange will be extended by the University in Göteborg (also the exchange of students in the Bachelor programme in Physiotherapy) and in Bratislava.
  • For the present academic year, the contract with the University of Vienna has not been renewed. The reason for that is the change of the legal subjectivity of the university there. The Faculty will try to restore the contract.
  • There have been newly concluded contracts with the University in Kaunas and in Lithuania.
  • The number of international students coming to study at our faculty is increasing; last year there came 2 students, in this year their number reached 9.
  • The reduced amount of financial means intended for grants from which are the mentioned study stays refunded, had an unfavourable effect on the exchange of these study stays. If the grant means are not sufficient to cover the expenses connected with the study stays, the students will make up the rest from their own money.
  • The students delegated by our faculty were successful at the universities abroad, they passed all the required examinations and fulfilled all study obligations.
  • It is desired to increase the help to international students coming in the frame of this programme to our faculty. The students in the senate have been encouraged to be more active.
  • With regard to the fact that as for the recognition of the examinations taken at the universities abroad in the frame of the Erasmus programme, there is still a substantial lack of clarity, the Faculty at its web sites will give the clear rules for recognizing of study obligations of the students going abroad in the frame of the Erasmus programme.


4) The information about the 1st round of the election of new members for the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and the academic senate of Charles University

Prof. RNDr. Helena Tomášová, CSc. informed the senate about the course of the 1st round of the elections of new members for the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and representatives for the academic senate of Charles University.

  • A total of 243 teachers and 1,222 students were invited to vote.
  • There were 121 votes for the pedagogical chamber, of which 5 were invalid; the poll being 49,8 %.
  • In the elections for the students chamber there were 214 nomination bill, i.e. a 17.5 % poll.
  • Prof. Tomášová invited students to participate in the 2nd round of the elections. The 2nd round of the elections has to reach 30 % poll both in the pedagogical chamber and in the students chamber. In case of a lower poll, the elections are repeated in the chamber where the poll required by the law has not been reached.
  • When being given the nomination bills, the 1st and 2nd year students were not sufficiently informed about the activities of the senate. For the next elections, it is desirable to distribute among the 1st and 2nd year students information leaflets about the work of the senate at the Faculty.
  • Doc. Hrušák informed the senate about the possibility of the internet form of the oragnization of elections for the senate which is used at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.


5) Outline of the Faculty's policy, discussion

Professor Vízek presented the senate with the outline of the Faculty's policy. In the frame of this policy, the senate considers as important the following points:

  1. The ideal number of students, including their distribution among the students in the Master's degree programme, Bachelor's degree programme and in the postgraduate course.
  2. Whether to change the present numbers of lessons for individual subjects.
  3. Whether to change the extent of the teaching loads at individual clinics and departments.
  4. Whether the Faculty should be extended by further clinics or departments (or to concentrate them).
  5. Which research trends will the Faculty support and how.

The senate asks the management of the Faculty for the submission of the Faculty's conception in accordance with this outline.


6) Miscellanea


  1. The Legislation Comittee submitted a proposal to include the employees with lower work loads into the academic community of the Faculty in connection with the establishment of the Department of Surgery at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Central Military hospital. The proposal will be discussed with the legal advisor of the Faculty and submitted to the senate session in January 2005. Simultaneously it is necessary to change all the Faculty´s regulations affected by this change.
  2. The senate discussed the question of the poll of the evaluation of level of teaching at our faculty. A good quality of such poll used at the Faculty of Natural Sciences was mentioned.
  • Next session of the academic senate will take place on Wednesday, 15th December 2004 at 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture hall at the Faculty.
  • The minutes were sent to the Department of Languages to be translated into English for the web sites of international students.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 15. 12. 2004 / Modified: 24. 5. 2021 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK