The minute of special session of AS CU 2nd FM 10th January 2007

Datum konání

The Minute – the special meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 10th January 2007

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting, appointment of scrutineers
  2. Checking of the minutes from the previous meeting
  3. The Faculty Management Reports
  4. Long-term plan of Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty and its updating for year 2007
  5. Report of the election committee about the course of the election to the academic senate Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty
  6. Report on the activity of the senate for the intervening period
  7. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the meeting and appointment of scrutineers

Prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. welcomed all present members.
MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný and Veronika Hernychová were appointed scrutineers.


2) Checking of the minutes

A check of the minutes from the previous meeting was without any comments. The minutes were approved of.


3) The Faculty Management Reports

The Dean of the Faculty, doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. spoke, welcomed present members and greeted guest of the meeting, elected scrutineers for the period AS 2007–2009. He thanked all the outgoing members of the AS.
In the report management of the faculty, the Dean stated that the long-term plan of Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty was submitted to the members of the scientific board and several comments were submitted which were included; the long-term plan was sent for the information of the new members of the academic senate and the hospital.
The meeting with the deputies of the hospital took place. Created work groups will have four members and they will solve the following regions of activities: educational programmes, common rooms, work loads of the employees, common property, common action procedures. The faculty group: doc. MUDr. Jan Leffler, CSc.; doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.; prof. MUDr. Martin Vízek, CSc. and MUDr. Petr Marusič, Ph.D.
The Dean informed the academic senate about the meeting with the international students.
The comment of prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. – was to gradually update changes in regulations on the websites of the faculty.
Prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. pointed out the contradictory texts on the websites concerning the opinion poll and he asked the Dean of Faculty on the basis of what regulations, or legal standard, is filling in the opinion poll a student´s duty, without its fulfilment, he cannot enter his name for an examination from the given subject which should by evaluated; if it is not illegal to ask the student this way to fill in the opinion poll. The Dean asked the senate to express its opinion and if they think that this formulation is illegal or adequate and the management of the Faculty will then take a stand on it.
Doc. MUDr. Jiří Radvanský, CSc. pointed out that even if the students can fill in the opinion poll on their computer they have a problem to log in, and it also intrudes upon their time.
According to passed discussions the students themselves are not homogenous concerning their view on the opinion poll.
It was suggested for the opinion poll to be informal and not oblige any students to fill it in, and to allow the student to enter his name for an exam.


4) Long-term plan of Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty and its updating for year 2007

There were no comments on the long-term plan and its updating and therefore voting took place.

Voting: for: 13
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

Long-term plan was approved unanimously.


5) Report of the election committee about the course of the election to the academic senate Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty

For the absence of the deputies of the election committees this issue has been shifted to the next meeting of the AS.


6) Report on the activity of the senate for the intervening period

With regard to the insufficient number of senators for adopting a resolution a report about the activity of the AS for the year 2006 was submitted and taken notice and the meeting closed.


7) Miscellaneous


  • Next meeting of the academic senate will take place on Wednesday 21st February 2007 at 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture room of the Faculty.
  • The minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on 19th January 2007 to be translated into English for the websites of international students.


Recorded by: Gabriela Bartejsová
Approved by: prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. – chairman of the AS
Created: 21. 2. 2007 / Modified: 18. 12. 2018 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK