The minute of 3rd session of AS CU 2nd FM 17th March 2004

Datum konání

The Minute – the 3rd meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 17th March 2004

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting and check of the last meeting minutes
    doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
  2. The Faculty Directorship reports
  3. Information from the Council of Universities
    MUDr. Ondřej Cinek, Ph.D.
  4. The Week of Unrest
    Tomáš Tvaroh, Michal Pelíšek
  5. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the meeting and check of the last meeting minutes

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. opened the meeting and welcomed all present members of the senate, gave a special welcome to the meeting guests prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., prof. MUDr. J. Bartůňková, DrSc., prof. MUDr. J. Herget, DrSc., prof. RNDr. V. Pelouch, CSc., prof. MUDr. J. Šnajdauf, DrSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc. and Ing. Kuželová.
The minutes were approved without any comments.


2) Faculty Directorship Reports

prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký, DrSc.
Dean of the Faculty

  1. Prof. Koutecký informed the senate about the abdication of doc. MUDr. Jana Hercogová, CSc. from the post of Vice-Dean for International Students and Continued education. The Vice-Dean Mr. Zoban took over all the agenda and no Vice-Dean will be appointed.
  2. Following the information received from the students at the 2nd meeting of the academic senate concerning particular shortcomings in the teaching of pharmacology, the Dean of the Faculty assured the students to stand up for the improvement of this subject teaching.
  3. The rejected pediatric reasearch plan: its major part was included into the research plan of Motol University Hospital.
  4. The Faculty is about to publish a 30-page promotion document about the Faculty in an English-Czech version.

prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc.
The Vice-Dean for the study of theoretical and pre-clinical subjects

  1. The Vice-Dean Mr. Pelouch announced the terms of entrance examinations for Bc. study programmes: Nursing, Radiological Assistant and Laboratory Assistant:
    the regular term of EE     15. and 16. 7. 2004
    the substituent term of EE 22. and 23. 7. 2004
    the session of the main entrance examination board 19. 7. 2004
    the extra-term of EE 15. and 16. 9. 2004
    The senate agreed on the terms by voting (15-0-0).

  2. Numbers of applicants for the study in the academic year 2004/2005:
    Master's study programme of General Medicine 1549
    Bachelor's study programme of Physiotherapy 283
    As for the newly established programmes of Nursing, Radiological Assistant and Laboratory Assistant, the total number of applicants will be known by 15. 6. 2004.
  3. The Vice-Dean Mr. Pelouch submitted the proposal on setting the tuition fees, the senate will vote about this point:
    1. entrance examination fee for the academic year 2005/2006
    (Sect. 58, (1) of the Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education, Art. 1 par. 1, Amendment No. 6 CU Statute)
    510,– Ck
    2. entrance examination fee for the academic year 2004/2005 in English 1000,– Ck
    3. extanding study fee:
    • Master's programme – General Medicine
    • Bachelor's programme – Physiotherapy
    • Bachelor's programme – Nursing Care
    (Sect. 58, (3) Act No. 11/1998, Art. 1, par. 2 a) Amendment No. 6 CU Statute).
    3800,– Ck per month
    3300,– Ck per month
    2450,– Ck per month
    4. other fees
    (Sect. 58, (4) Act No. 111/1998, Art. 1 par. 2 b), Amendment No. 6 CU Statute).
    Graduants of bachelor's or master's study programmes studying other bachelor's or master's study programme, with the exception of bachelor students studying the continous masters programme and with the exception of parallel studying of regular study programmes, not exceeding the standard duration of one study programme. If the duration of study exceeds the standard duration, the fee is then set according to point 2.
    2500,– Ck/year
    5. the tuition fee for international students studying in foreign language for the academic year 2004/2005
    (Sect. 58, (3) Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education and Art. 1, par. 2 a) Amendment No. 6 CU Statute).
    290000,– Ck/year

    The senate agreed by voting (15-0-0).


doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.
The Vice-Dean for the study of clinical subjects

  1. The Vice-Dean Mr. Zoban submitted the senate the proposal on the ‘Index’ (Student´s Record Book) of practical skills for the Master´s study programme of General Medicine:
    The index contains the obligatory minimum of basic practical skills and activities in main clinical subjects, completed by activities in specialised medical branches, which the student should attain in the course of the studies, or be able to carry out under the supervision of the particular teacher. Fulfillment of these stated procedures is one the study duties which mean the necessary condition for a successful completion of Master´s study of General Medicine at CU 2nd MF.
    • Procedures, listed in the index, are the part of the complete curriculums of the practical teaching of clinical subjects. Fulfillment of the stated practical skills and activities, listed in the index, will be required at the ‘rigorose’ examination.
    • Practical activities and skills are carried out accordning to student´s own consideration, during the studies of pre-clinical and clinical subjects, i.e. starting from the 3rd year.
    • The subjects which allow to fulfil the practical activities are mainly propedeutics, internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery (infants and adults), practical medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, otolaryngology and ophtalmology.
    • Particular practical skills and activities can be fulfilled, considering their character, in several subjects. Students can perform these procedures not only during practical training stays, but somewhere else, after a previous agreement with the teacher of the given subject, or during nigt duties or summer holidays practice.
    • The index of the particular activities and skills was made up in the cooperation with teachers of the given subjects and approved by the scientific council and the academic senate of the CU 2nd MF.
    The fulfillment of the practical skills and activities, stated in the index, means that the students of the masters study programme of general medicine gain besides good theoretical knowledge, basic practical skills necessary for the profession of general practicionar.
    The senate members agreed by voting (15-0-0).

  2. The Vice-Dean Mr. Zoban informed the senate about the activities connected with the recruitment of international students for the study at the Faculty.


3) Information from the Council of Universities

The representative of the Faculty in the Council of Universities MUDr. Ondřej Cinek, Ph.D. informed the senate about the programme of the 3rd session of the Council of Universities of the 14th February 2004. Detailed minutes are available at
The main points:

  • Higher education reforms.
  • In the connection with budget changes at the end of the last year, the material called ‘10 guestions for MPs asked before voting about the budget proposal for 2004’ was discussed.
  • The session members supported ‘The Week of Unrest’ activities.
  • The session guest, the representative of the Ministry of Education and Science doc. Kolář discussed the points concerning science and research and RP of MES. He pointed out that the support of applied research would be concentrated into one budget group in 2006 and would be oriented towards a specified group of priorities with a high level of added value.
  • ‘The support for beginning researchers – 1K’ seems to be interesting for young researchers – the age limit – 35. The support is intended for stays abroad. The programme starts on 10. 3. 2004.
  • The amendment proposal – of the University Act No. 111/1998 was profoundly discussed, taking into the consideration the EU entry.
  • Detailed discussion concerned the proposal on changes of subsidies for accommodation and boarding of students.


4) The Week of Unrest

The students Michal Pelíšek and Tomáš Tvaroh informed the senate about the programme of the Week of Unrest in Prague. This event should take on other precedening activities that were emphasizing longterm underfinancing of Czech universities and colleges. The academic senate agreed on this proclamation by voting (16-0-0):
The academic senate of the 2nd faculty of Medicine

  • supports the activities connected with the Week of Unrest at Universities, which aim is to draw the publics attention to the fact that Czech Higher Education system finds itself in a deep crisis, due to irresponsible behaviour of politicians;
  • asks the members of the academic community of the Faculty to take part in prepared activities and
  • calls along with the directorship of CU 2nd MF meeting of the academic community into the big lecture hall of the Faculty on 31. 3. 2004 from 10 a.m.

Tomáš Tvaroh informed about the programme of the Week of Unrest:

Monday 29. 3. 2004 The Banners Day. Banners with suitable slogans will be put out on the buildings of participating faculties.
Tuesday 30. 3. 2004 The Lights Day. The neon letters WU will go out for 15 minutes on the building of students halls 17. listopadu.
Wednesday 31. 3. 2004 The Day at the Faculties. On the same day the action ‘write your MP’ is carried out.
A protest session of the academic community will be held at the 2nd MF in the big lecture hall from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Teaching will be interrupted at this time.
The afternoon programme takes place at the Faculty of Arts.
Thursday 1. 4. 2004 Demonstration. The demonstration parades from particular faculties will meet in Ovocný Trh.
Further information about The Week of Unrest available at
In the connection with The Week of Unrest the senate of the Faculty accepted the following document pinpointing the concrete shortcomings of financing at the Faculty. The document is means for the internal usage for the members of the academic community, e.g. for a realistic argumentation in the framework of the Week of Unrest.
  • The buildings
    The reality is that our Faculty does not own a building for teaching. The exceptions are 3 assembled prefabricated buildings inherited from the Military Department that was working there in the last regime (see below).
    The main parts of our Faculty are therefore situated in the hospital premises, where, because of property laws, arise various problems, e.g. investing money into lecture halls – the Faculty is not allowed to make investments into someoene else´s property.
  • Theoretical departments
    The departments where theoretical subjects are taught are situated in the prefabricated constructions which had already exceeded the usual ‘durability’. A reconstruction is urgently needed, the costs of which will profoundly effect the Faculty. If the Faculty had money enough for its own building, the problem of reconstruction would not be topical and the departments could be moved into the building.
  • Computers and the Internet
    There are 20 computers at the Faculty for 1,200 students. There is an increasing need for students to prepare their tasks and work on computers and with the help of the Internet, including medical databases and fulltext journals.
  • Competitive salaries for teachers
    The Faculty gives a young teacher (assistant) or a professional returning from a stay abroad a standardised salary (us. 14,000 Ck per month). To increase the salary in the form of a personal evaluation is not possible because there is no money from the Faculty budget. Other incomes are for example tuition fees for international students, but the number of international students is decreasing.
    Higher Faculty incomes would enable teachers of clinical subjects to get fully involved into teaching and the number of students at clinical practices would decrease to acceptable 5 to 1 teacher (the practices would take place regularly even in afternoons).
  • Financial evaluations of students
    At present, the Faculty has no own resources to pay out scholarships. The only present resource is the foundation – the scholarship makes 9,000 Ck per year for 1 student. Scholarships for students with excellent grades make 5,000 Ck per year.
    Adequate increase of faculty incomes would also enable to evaluate pedagocical or research activities of students. A part of the tutition fee could be omitted in talented international students.
  • Library
    The range of the books taht are at disposal in our library presents just a fraction of the books that are commonly in foreign schools. A good library with computer facilities and the fullest range of medical literature possible (incl. paid fulltext journals) would shift our Faculty among better schools. Library services, computer facilities, to be open from 7.00 till 22.00 or better non-stop.
  • Accommodation
    The opinions on the accommodation issues and an optimal solution differ. Anyway, the situation is alerting – when students have no own means and the state subsidy going directly to the Halls and Cafeterias Management is insufficient, it does not enable the needed quality improvement.
  • Support of international students
  • Technical facilities in lecture halls, seminar rooms and clinical practices
    We need more well equipped lecture halls and rooms.


5) Miscellaneous


  1. The senate took into consideration the answer of the President of CMC to the AS 2nd MF appeal concerning the situation in CMC.
  2. Following the attendance sheet, the Chairperson of the academic senate asked the members to lessen the number of absences at the sessions.
  3. Doc. PhDr. Jana Kocourková was appointed the representative of the academic senate for the Tender Board. The tender was signed up for a vacancy in the Department of Pediatric Psychiatry at CU 2nd MF and Motol University Hospital.
  4. Doc. Šedivá informed the senate about a combined programme of scientific and professional education (M.D. and Ph.D. programmes). The objective of the coarse is to enable medical graduates to gain Ph.D. titles and pass, at the same time, specialist course preceding specialist postgraduate study – level I and to terminate this course in specialist postgraduate examination. The programme is available for all medical graduates coming from any Faculty of Medicine in the Czech Republic. Other information available at the www sites.
  5. Doc. Škába informed students that there was a possibility to get French Ambassy Award.
  6. The students´ chamber of the senate asked to cancell an hour-break in ‘ÚVI’ (Department of Scientific Information).
  7. David Major informed the senate that Erasmus programme web sites were improved but for information concerning competitions (tender competitions) for stays abroad.
  8. The Chairperson asked the students to reconsider the number of students´ communities for autumn elections to the academic senate, the reason for that are newly launched courses in the Bachelor´s study programme.
  9. The Secretary of the Faculty informed the students about the possibility for students to have boarding in the cafeteria of the Motol University Hospital. The discussions showed that there would be a possibility for students to eat in the cafeteria from the beginning of the new academic year.
  • The next meeting of the academic senate is on Weds. 21st April 2004 from 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture hall at the Faculty.
  • The minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on 9. 4. 2004 to be translated into English and sent to www sites for international students.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 21. 4. 2004 / Modified: 25. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK