The minute of 2nd session of AS CU 2nd FM 18th February 2004

Datum konání

The Minute – the 2nd meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 18th February 2004

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting and the minutes check
    doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
  2. Faculty directorship reports
  3. Faculty economic results – 2003
  4. Discussion on activites supporting higher education reforms
  5. Students´ demand to have a possibility to eat in Motol University Hospital cafeteria
  6. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the meeting and the minutes check

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. opened the meeting, greeted all the present senate members and gave a special welcome to the meeting guests: prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., prof. MUDr. J. Bartůňková, DrSc., doc. MUDr. J. Hercogová, CSc., prof. MUDr. J. Herget, DrSc., prof. RNDr. V. Pelouch, CSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc. and Ing. E. Kuželová.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved without any comments.


2) Faculty directorship reports

prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký, DrSc.
Dean of the Faculty

  1. The Dean of the Faculty informed the senate about the accreditation which was obtained for the newly established bachelor study programmes and the prolongation of accreditation for the general MD study programme.
  2. The Faculty´s four developmental and transformational plans were approved. The Vice-dean Mrs. Bartůňková informed, in this context, that there was the possibility to hand out suggestions of particular requirements, which can be financed in the framework of these plans.

prof. MUDr. Jiřina Bartůňková, DrSc.
Vice-dean for the development of the Faculty

  1. The Vice-dean Mrs. Bartůňková submitted ‘The longterm plans of the Faculty and its updating’. The senate took the information into consideration.

prof. MUDr. Jan Herget, DrSc.
Vice-dean for research and foreign affairs

  1. The Vice-dean Mr. Herget informed the senate about the faculty research plans. The Faculty submitted three research plans, two of which were approved by SC CU and one was turned down. Unsatisfactory economic documentation was the reason for the rejection of the plan. Despite CUC and the Dean´s office demands and reminders, the economic documentation was not submitted. The Faculty directorship is trying to figure out a solution of this intricate situation. It seems to be reasonable to integrate some of the rejected parts of the submitted plan into Motol University Hospital research programme.
  2. The Vice-dean Mr. Herget challenged students to take part in ‘Students Scientific Conference’, which is meant for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The conference is held on 30. 4. 2004 in the big lecture hall at the Faculty.

prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc.
Vice-dean for the study of theoretical and pre-clinical subjects

  1. The Vice-dean Mr. Pelouch informed the senate about new Bsc. programmes for the academic year 2004/2005 – detailed information is published at www sites of the Faculty. The dates of entrance procedures will be announced by the means of the Recor´s provisions.


3) Faculty economic results for 2003

The Faculty secretary submitted an economic review of the Faculty for the year 2003:

the main activity gains 231,026 thous. CZK
  costs 230,379 thous. CZK
  economic result 647 thous. CZK
internal transfers gains 90 thous. CZK
  costs 1,322 thous. CZK
  economic result –1,232 thous. CZK
economic activity gains 85 thous. CZK
  costs 70 thous. CZK
  economic result 15 thous. CZK
TOTAL výnosy 231,201 thous. CZK
  gains 231,771 thous. CZK
  economic result –570 thous. CZK


the main activity 647 thous. CZK
internal transfers –1,232 thous. CZK
economic activity 15 thous. CZK
total – 2003 –570 thous. CZK


Gains 231,201 thous. CZK
Costs 231,771 thous. CZK
Economic result –570 thous. CZK
Economic result 2003 – income –570 thous. CZK
Economic result 2002 – income 283 thous. CZK
Total 31. 12. 2003 –287 thous. CZK


4) Discussion about activities carried out to support the reform of Czech educational system

Doc. Hrušák started the discussion on the activities supporting higher education changes in the connection with the so-called ‘Week of Unrest’, which is organized by the Faculty of Arts of Palacky University in Olomouc. The senate published the outcoumes of the discussion:

  • The senate recommends to take part in these activity by means of a symbolic proclamation.
  • If similar actions are to be held at Prague faculties, students will be informed about them.
  • To express financial requirements of the Faculty concerning improvement of education and faculty equipment, to emphasize the Faculty status – being in rented buildings of Motol University Hospital and the claim for an own building.
  • To prepare clearly arranged lists of students and the requirements of the departments.


5) The possibility for students to eat in Motol University Hospital cafeteria

The Secretary of the Faculty informed about the discussion held with the Vice-rector Mrs. Kvasničková and with the directorship of the Motol University Hospital. Both these mentioned sides support the faculty idea. At present, a meeting with the Director of Students halls and cafeterias of CU is being arranged. The Secretary will give further information at the next senate session.


6) Miscellaneous


  1. The members of the academic senate were interested if there were any measures to be taken concerning the improperly prepared proposal of the pediatric research plan.
  2. Following students´ requests to accommodate international students coming to the Faculty in the framework of IFMSA programme in Kajetánka halls, the Faculty Secretary considered this proposal. She pointed out that accommodation of international students would be at the axpense of the faculty students. The senate then abandoned the proposal on changing the conditions of accommodating of international students.
  3. After the senates Chair appeal, Ondřej Fiala resumed the question of the concurrence of Pharmacology and Pathological physiology in the 3rd year. As the senate members claimed, another discussion will come up again when students complete their 3rd study duties as it is set in the new curriculum.
    Taking on the topic – teaching of Pharmacology, the students find Pharmacology teaching to be quite poor and feel that there is no interest in students in this department.
  4. Doc. Hrušák informed the senate about prof. Syková letter to the senate dealing with the autological transplantation of progenitor cells to patients with medullary injuries. This letter, again, did not include the experimantal study, in which a mere administering of merrow would ensue improvement of patients´ mobility. Subsequent ethical questions are discussed by the Ethical Board of UH in Motol. The Chair of the senate will give the Chair of the ethical board of UH in Motol, the senate´s view on this point.
  5. Following students requests, the senate Chiar will discuss the questions concerning the improvement of lecture halls surroundings, including sanitary facilities.
  6. Michal Pelíšek informed the senate about the particular date of the Medical Ball which takes place on 11. 12. 2004 in Národní dům in Vinohrady.
  • The next meeting of the academic senate is held on 17. 3. 2004 – Weds, from 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture hall at the Faculty.
  • The Minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on the 3rd March to be translated into English and sent to www sites for international students.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 17. 3. 2004 / Modified: 11. 10. 2018 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK