The minute of 4th session of AS CU 2nd FM 9th May 2007

Datum konání

The Minute – the 4th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 9th May 2007

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Presentation of the manager of the Motol University Hospital
  3. Appointment of the scrutators and approving of the programme
  4. Check of the minutes of the previous senate meeting from 18. 4. 2007
  5. Report from the meeting of the academic senate board from 2. 5. 2007
  6. The Faculty management reports
  7. Discussion about the Faculty budget
  8. Proposed changes in the Rule of Procedure of the scientific council of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine
  9. Problems related to teaching languages, the senate commission report
  10. The Ph.D. postgraduate study programme at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine
  11. Miscellanea



1) Opening of the meeting

Prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. welcomed all the present members at the meeting.


2) Presentation of the manager of the Motol University Hospital

The Chair of the senate welcomed the manager of the hospital, JUDr. Ing. Miloslav Ludvík, MBA, and the chairwoman of the Hospital scientific council, prof. MUDr. Anna Šedivá, CSc.
The last meeting of the manager and the members of the academic senate was on 26. 11. 2006. After a short introduction, the contract between the University Hospital and the 2nd Faculty of Medicine under preparation was mentioned. The hospital manager Mr. Ludvík informed the senate members that the contract is in its final stage and will be singed in near future.
In discussion concerning the location of the library, Mr. Ludvík stated that unfortunately there are no better premises at the moment. It would be necessary to obtain sufficient financial means to build a new library. The hospital is open to negotiations concerning the transfer of the land for such a construction. The Motol University Hospital considers the medical library an integrated part of the hospital.
The premises of the Dean’s office will remain in the building of the Hospital Directorate.
In the MD, Ph.D. courses, the Hospital wants to prefer the specializations important from the viewpoint of the hospital needs; the programme for this year has been submitted to the Dean’s college.


3) The appointment of scrutators and approving of the programme

MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný, Šimon Cipro were appointed scrutators.
The programme was approved without comments.


4) Approving of the minutes of the senate meeting from 18. 4. 2007

The minutes were approved without comments.


5) The report from the session of the senate board from 2. 5. 2007

At its session, the board prepared the programme of the agenda of the academic senate and proposed to establish a committee to follow the construction of the Plzeňská campus. Till the time of the board session there were not submitted any serious issues to be discussed.


6) The Faculty management reports

In the introduction, the Dean of the Faculty, doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., thanked to all who participated in the Students Scientific Conference and namely to MUC. Suchánek, who organized the sports event ‘The Motol Mile’.
He informed the senate members about the initial negotiations about the establishment of teaching hospitals and about his being proposed to become a member of the committee for science of the Czech Parliament. In his report, he also mentioned the question of tuition fee and the level of financing of higher education in the Czech Republic.
There was a discussion concerning the proposal of the senate board as for the establishment of a committee to follow the construction work in the Campus. The contemporary committee should, as its basic task, monitor the fulfilling of the key moments of the construction preparation. At present it is necessary for the implementation of the project, to obtain the territorial decision in the first place. Therefore the committee should be established and start working at the meeting of the senate in June.

Voting: for: 15
  against: 2
  abstained: 0

The senate has decided to establish the committee.


7) Discussion about the Faculty budget

Ing. Eva Kuželová informed the senate members about the balanced budget of the Faculty for the year 2007. For the first quarter of 2007, the budget was drawn up to 24 %, therefore it is in accordance with the plan. After an analysis of basic items of the budget, there followed a voting.

Voting: for: 17
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

The senate members approved unanimously the budget for 2007.


8) Proposed changes in the Rule of Procedure of the scientific council of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine

The Legislation committee discussed on 3. 5. 2007, and submitted to the academic senate, on the Dean’s proposal, the change in the Rule of Procedure of the scientific council of the Faculty. After the discussion, the final version of wording was recommended, in accordance with the Dean’s request and with the Rule of Procedure of the scientific council of Charles University.

Voting: for: 17
  against: 0
  abstained: 0

The changes in the Rule of Procedure of the scientific council of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine were approved.


9) Problems related to teaching languages, the report of the senate commission

The working committee of the academic senate stated, that the students are much interested in the education of professional medical terminology in the English, German, French or Spanish languages even if they had to pay for the courses. The Faculty management supported this activity and promised to provide the rooms for the lessons, the courses will be paid based on the budget elaborated by the Department of Languages.
The Dean emphasized that the Faculty has been supporting the language education of the students by providing conditions for the work of the Department of Languages and by means of important organisational changes both in the structure of the department and the introduction into the education. The Faculty management welcomes the extension of the teaching by the paid course programmes according to specific interests of the students and at the same time is considering the possibilities of mechanisms to support the students who cannot, for financial reasons, afford to pay the extended study of languages.


10) Postgraduate doctoral programme at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine

Prof. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D. – Vice-dean for Science and Research, International Relations – informed the present members about the Postgraduate and Doctoral Programme at the Faculty. He spoke about the conditions of the admission as well as the completion of the study and analysed the success in finishing of the study which is presently at the 22% level. He emphasized that the time necessary to complete the study varies and mentioned the common programme of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and the Motol University Hospital, in which the Faculty provides the financing of the continuation of study in the 4th and 5th years of study while the Hospital employs students as part-timers (0.5 of the work load). Presently it is possible to admit 10 postgraduate students into this form of study. The starting students do not have to be the recent graduates, the most important are their motivation and specialization. Both the Faculty and the Hospital would like to realize their ideas of the selection of an applicant of high quality.
In the following discussion there was a proposal to give more publicity to the information about this study and that there should an accessible information about the number of supervisors and their students, about the background, the grant support and the number of students at single workplaces. Doc. MUDr. Marešová proposed to initiate the negotiation with the manager of the Teaching Hospital at Bulovka about the possibilities of the introduction of the same programme also at the Department of Infectious Disease.
Prof. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D. offered to inform personally the applicants for the MD, Ph.D. study programme and help them choose the most suitable way of research.


11) Miscellanea


  • The next regular meeting of the AS will take place on Wednesday June 20, 2007 at 2.30 p.m. at the small left lecture hall of the Faculty.
  • The minutes were sent to the Dept. of Languages to be translated into English for the websites of international students on May 14, 2007.


Recorded by: Gabriela Bartejsová
Elaborated by: doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Kabelka – secretary of the AS
Proofread by: prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. – chairman of the AS
Created: 20. 6. 2007 / Modified: 9. 11. 2018 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK