The minute of 1st session of AS CU 2nd FM 21st January 2004

Datum konání

The Minute – the 1st meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 21st January 2004

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the Session
  2. Faculty Directorship Reports
  3. Information on the Activities of the Students´ Association of the CU 2nd MF
  4. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the session and the minutes check

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D. opened the meeting, greeted all the present senate members and gave a special welcome to the meeting guests: prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., doc. MUDr. J. Hercogová, CSc., prof. RNDr. V. Pelouch, CSc., prof. MUDr. J. Šnajdauf, DrSc., doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc. and Ing. E. Kuželová.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved without any comments.


2) Faculty Directorship Reports

prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký, DrSc.
Dean of the Faculty

  1. The Faculty organized the 50th anniversary celebrations in the last year, there were 13 events, in which not only the members of the academic field took interest. All the events were well received.
  2. The senate of the CU 2nd MF asked the SC of CU 2nd MF to make a proclamation on the performance of the ‘autological transplantation of progenotoric cells of bone marrow after acute spinal injuries’. The Dean of the Faculty presented the opinion of the scientific council, which was sent to the Chair of AS CU 2nd MF:
    1. Experimental work concerning ‘autological transplantation of progenotoric cells of bone marrow after acute spinal injuries’ is found reasonable, in the framework of scientific research.
    2. The conditions of clinical applications which have been, up to the present, carried out and which are necessary for a clinical study, were not fulfilled.
    3. The media campaign of the method preceding an objective evidence, appears to be inappropriate.
    4. The members of the scientific council ask prof. Syková to present a quotation of the already published study of the same method, which had already been applied, initiated by her, when treating patients of Motol University Hospital.

prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc.
Vice-dean for studies of theoretical and clinical subjects

  1. The Vice-dean Mr. Pelouch presented the proposed conditions for applicants in newly opened Bsc. study programmes, which will be opened after a successful accreditation, in the academic year 2004/2005:
    • Nursing, branch Nursing
    • Specialization in Medical Care – branch Laboratory Assistant
    • Specialization in Medical Care – branch Radiological Assistant
    Admission conditions for the academic year 2004/2005
    • properly filled in application form must be sent before 29. 2. 2004, a coverage of the entrance examination fee, which is 540,– Kc, must be enclosed
    • high school graduants are only admitted
    • applicants must pass the entrance examination procedure
    The admission procedure consists of two stages:
    The first stage

    of the examination procedure – a written test in biology, physics, chemistry (60 questions, each question is evaluated by 2 points), all applicants take this test.
    The second stage
    of the examination procedure – an interview – taken only by applicants who were successful in the first round, the maximum point score is 100 points. The applicant is interviewed by a three-member examination board, by the members of the pedagogical staff of the Faculty. An applicant draws 2 questions, the aim of the interview is to find out, whether the applicant is interested in the particular field of study, whether he/she has the ability of good argumentation and is able to defend his/her opinion.
    Admission to study is derived from the total points scored at both stages.
    A suppossed number of admitted students is:
    • Nursing – 40
    • Laboratory Assisstant – 20
    • Radiological Assisstant – 20
    Result: The academic senate approved the proposal by voting (14-0-0).

prof. MUDr. Jiří Šnajdauf, DrSc.
The Vice-dean for faculty internal affairs

  1. The Vice-dean Mr. Šnajdauf presented the senate an application for an appointment of new faculty Heads, who had been selected on the basis of open competition:
    prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc.
    the Head of the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology of CU 2nd MF and Motol University Hospital to be appointed for a 5-year term.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 15
      against: 0
      abstained: 1
    Result: Approved
    prof. MUDr. Jan Vavřinec, DrSc.
    The Head of the Paediatric Department of CU 2nd MF and Motol University Hospital for a 2-year term.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 14
      against: 0
      abstained: 2
    Result: Approved
  2. Renewal of a function term of the Head of the 1st Department of Infectious Diseases at CU 2nd MF and TH Na Bulovce doc. MUDr. Vilma MAREŠOVÁ, CSc., born 26. 4. 1943, the function term until 30. 9. 2004 – the contract of employment to be renewed for 4 years.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 15
      against: 0
      abstained: 1
    Result: Approved
  3. Renewal of a function term of the Head of the Department of Neurology for Adults CU 2nd MF and Motol University Hospital doc. MUDr. Martin BOJAR, CSc., born 3. 4. 1947, the function term until 31. 10. 2004 – the contract of employment to be renewed for 5 years.
    Voting: present: 16
      for: 16
      against: 0
      abstained: 0
    Result: Approved


3) Information on the Activities of the Students' Association of the CU 2nd MF

Ms. Šárka Cihelková took on the proclamation issued from the 8th meeting of the academic senate of 22. 10. 2003 and informed about students´ association activities. The association has its official name ‘Laterna Medica – Students´ Association CU 2nd MF’. The web sites are prepared and will be presented in January 2004. Discussions, educational programmes and humanitarian activities to help in refugee camps are found to be successful out of the already planned events. On the contrary cultural events are not met with a great interest – organization of faculty balls is under consideration. Laterna Medica – Students´ Association CU 2nd MF is going to hand in a grant project for the amount of 360.00,– Kc. Participation of students in the association activities appears to be rather problematic. The Association will ask the 1st year students to take part in the activities. The supervisory board consits of the members of the students´ chamber of AS, in cooperation with Michal Pelíšek, SC AS Chair.
Result: The senate took the information into consideration. Ms. Šárka Cibulková will give regular reports on the activities.


4) Miscellaneous


  1. Taking on the students´ information from the 9th meeting of AS of 26. 11. 2003, the senate discussed the contents of www sites concerning ERASMUS programme. The students chamber of the senate claims a clearly arranged reference to up-to-date information. ERASMUS pages do exist, concrete claims from students will be discussed with ERASMUS programme guarantee ass. MUDr. Černý.
  2. Following the outcomes of AS CU meeting the senate discussed the question of closing up of several students´ cafeterias. The close-up date will be set before January 2004.
    Michal Pelíšek informed the senate that the 3rd MF students have the possibility to eat in a cafeteria of University Hospital in Královské Vinohrady. The senate asks the Faculty Secretary to consider the same possibility for the faculty students to eat in the cafeteria in Motol University Hospital.
  3. David Major informed the senate about accommodation possibilities for international students coming in IFMSA programme. Students are at present automatically accommodated in university halls Hvězda. The student chamber of the senate asks the Secretary of the faculty to consider the possibilty to accommodate international students in university halls Kajetánka.
  • The next meeting of the academic senate is held on 18. 2. 2004 – Weds, from 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture hall at the Faculty.
  • The Minutes were sent to the Department of Languages on 30. 1. 2004 to be translated into English and sent to www sites for international students.


Recorded by: Ilona Kyselová
Approved by: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, PhD. – chairman of the AS
Created: 18. 2. 2004 / Modified: 14. 1. 2019 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK