Albert Schweitzer Prize for Martina Pařízková

On 19 May, the Second Faculty hosted the nationwide Albert Schweitzer Prize competition, organised by the Embassy of France in the Czech Republic. The competition is intended for students of medical faculties and medical institutions in the undergraduate and postgraduate forms of study who are engaged in medical research.

The competition was attended by 11 candidates from the six faculties of medicine: the First, the Second and the Third Faculties of Charles University, the Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň, the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University in Brno and the Faculty of Medicine of the Palacký University in Olomouc. Among the candidates there were two Ph.D. candidates from the National Institute of Mental Health and the Rheumatology Institute.

The international jury was composed of representatives of the aforementioned faculties of medicine, the scientific attaché of the Consular Section of the French Embassy in Prague, and the chairman of the jury was prof. Arnold Munich from the Hopital D'Enfents Necker Pediatric Genetics Clinic in Paris.

The first place associated with financial reward and two-month internships at a chosen scientific workplace in France was obtained by a candidate from our faculty MUDr. Martina Pařízková (Department of Neurology). Her lecture was called Early stages of Alzheimer's disease and their diagnosis using experimental tests of spatial cognition. The second place was obtained by a candidate from the Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine in Brno, the third place by a candidate from the Third Faculty of Medicine in Prague.

Prof. Munich and the scientific attaché Mr. Clement Diot appreciated the high level of presentations and scientific papers in this field in the Czech Republic and thanked the Faculty's management for organising the competition.

Prof. Richard Škába

Created: 12. 6. 2018 / Modified: 21. 5. 2019 / Mgr. Ing. Tereza Kůstková