On Thursday, 3 September, the crisis council of the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University met. Preventive measures related to the coronavirus epidemic are constantly changing in response to current developments. What measures are valid at the faculty at the moment, and what measures are being planed? Letting us know is the Dean of the faculty, prof. Vladimir Komarek.
Our priority is to set up the preventive measures in such a way that a few students and employees as possible will become infected.
In all interior spaces of the faculty, same as in all buildings in the Czech Republic, it has been required to ware facemasks since the day 10. 9. Further information can be found here.
Update (information as of 10 September): One of the employees of the Dean's Office of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, tested positive for COVID-19. At the moment, the faculty leadership is deciding in which regime the dean's office will operate and what measures will be implemented. Students and faculty staff will be informed in an appropriate manner.
The Faculty will facilitate the purchase of thermometers for the preventative taking of temperatures when entering classrooms, face masks, FFP2 respirators, and disinfectant stands to be set up near classrooms.
All students and employees are encouraged to stay home if they feel any sign of an infectious respiratory disease, and suggest for them to contact their general practitioner.
For students and employees of the faculty who would like to received advice concerning illness or the general situation, we have restarted the Information Line. It functions during weekdays from 8 AM to 8PM, and questions are to be answered by dr. Milan Trojánek or by dr. Vyacheslav Grebenyuk. The number you can find here after signing in.
Students and employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 are obliged to report their status immediately, by e-mail or telephone, to the study department (for students), to Mgr. Dana Blichová (224435833) or Ms. Stanislava Palowska (224435810) or to the personnel department (for employees).
During classes in which students come in contact with patients, students will use FFP2 respirators. According to the information of the director of the Hygienic Station of the City of Prague, dr. Zdenka Jágrová, it will not be necessary for all students to be quarantined after having come into contact with a COVID-positive person if the students are wearing FFP2 respirators and maintaining distancing.
The Faculty is preparing a plan for students in quarantine who are living in the dormitories. Further information can be found on the website of the Charles University here.
The cancellation of faculty events planned for the coming weeks (the Scientific Conference, Matriculation…) is not planned at this time. However, the latest recommendation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports speaks of limiting the number of people in classrooms or other activities to less than fifty. At the beginning of October, when the events are to take place, the situation may be different again. These matters will therefore be decided by the faculty leadership according to the development of the epidemic and the preventive measures which will be in place at the time of each specific event.
When it comes to the question of teaching, the faculty is currently working with the possibility that class will most likely take place in a “hybrid” form. This can mean both teaching in classrooms for smaller groups of students and holding all classes online, if some students will be in quarantine.
Each department head will appoint a representative for hybrid teaching, and the faculty will support the further purchase of applications and equipment for online teaching. Full online teaching (no teaching in person) is not currently planned by the faculty. All department heads will be acquainted with the information concerning teaching and other measures at a meeting on Thursday, 24 September, 2020, where they will discuss the optimal forms of teaching and epidemiological measures.