International Entrance Exams, or an Exciting Summer at the Second Faculty of Medicine

In addition to the exams in Prague, we hold entrance exams all around the world… Karolína Francová photographs and reports.

Admission exams for international students are held at the Second Faculty of Medicine from May to the end of July. In addition to two dates in Prague, we held entrance examinations in several foreign destinations, where our team of examiners and staff of the Study Department worked with recruitment agencies to hold the events.

We began this marathon of testing on 18 May in Lisbon (with the agency Information Planet Portugal), continued on 3 June in the far-off Hong Kong and held an exam in London on 13 July (Medical Doorway). The Greeks (AA Czech Studies) hosted us in Cyprus on 22 June and in Athens on 20 July. Finally, we visited Munich on 25 July (Medizin in Prag).

We would like to thank all of the agencies involved in the testing for their open welcomes and excellent work, without which we would not be able to hold these international entrance exams. The work can be difficult because the written tests and all the paperwork associated with them must be evaluated without the use of computers.

This year, many foreign applicants tried their hand at the entrance exams, and their interest in the Second Faculty of Medicine was unmistakable. Congratulations to all those who passed the challenging exams and even more challenging interviews and we look forward to seeing you in the academic year!

Karolína Francová (Study Department)

Created: 15. 8. 2019 / Modified: 5. 11. 2019 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.