VOGEL MD, Hannes, et al. Nervous System (Cambridge Illustrated Surgical Pathology). Cambridge University Press, 2009. 524 s. ISBN-10:0521881617.
At the end of the year 2009 the above stated diagnostical monography for pathologists published. Assoc. Prof. Josef Zamecnik, Ph.D., Dept. of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, is one of its main authors.
Cambridge Illustrated Surgical Pathology, edited by Dr Lawrence Weiss MD, is a new series in the field of surgical pathology, which illustrates the techniques and methods employed in pathological diagnosis of disease. Nervous System is the fourth title in the series and is authored by Prof. Hannes Vogel, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA. Associate Prof. Josef Zamecnik, Ph.D., co-authors two chapters: Brain Tumors and Surgical Neuropathology of Epilepsy. DrVogel supervised DrZamecnik whilst a post-graduate student.
The book is a comprehensive text on CNS pathology. It discusses the most up-to-date methods employed by pathologists to diagnose illnesses affecting the brain, meninges, and spinal cord. In the chapter on tumors, Dr Zamecnik's special emphasis is on CNS-related soft tissue tumors. Exhaustive lists of all potential soft tissues are covered in full. Dr Zamecnik highlights potential errors of misclassification. The chapter on Epilepsy is divided into two parts: temporal lobe epilepsy and malformative lesions, which include focal cortical dysplasia, tuberous sclerosis and hemimegalencephaly.
Nervous System is an authoritative text in atlas-format aimed at pathologists and radiographers, with many neuroimages examples provided. The volume provides thorough neuroanatomical and neurohistological background for each pathology. The text emphasises current, accurate, standard, and descriptive terminology with particular emphasis on neoplasias. Illustrating the multitude of diagnostic techniques required in neuropathology, Nervous System offers a thorough description of pathological modalities employed in diagnoses diseases of the CNS.
In accordance with article in Cambridge Catalogue.