Important notice

Dear students,
Due to an increase in the amount of requests for the enrollment at Medical Psychology from lower classes than the fourth we would like to assure you that we cannot approve these requests for the following reasons:

  1. The space in the room, where lectures of Medical Psychology usually take place, is limited (not more than 20 students according to Dean's Provision No. 10/2018)
  2. The lecture quality is based on a restricted amount of students.
  3. The capacity of your lecturer could be too distracted due to too many students.
  4. Your current curriculum of study locates Medical Psychology not to the first, the second or the third class, but to the fourth class.
  5. There are many students in the fourth class and, therefore, there are usually no free seats for students from lower classes.

These are only the main reasons why we usually have to refuse your request.

Sincerely yours,
Mgr. et Mgr. Martin Zielina, Ph.D.
Head of the Department Medical Ethics and Humanities

Last update: 10. 10. 2018 / Mgr. et Mgr. Martin Zielina, Ph.D.
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