Our students can go on Erasmus to partner faculties.
Nominated students will receive a scholarship (does not have to cover all the costs). You do not pay tuition fees at the host university abroad. However, during the whole period of your stay abroad you have to remain enrolled as a student of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
How do I apply ?
Studying abroad is an integral part of your academic plan at our faculty. This means that it should not lead to an extension of the total length of your studies. Study abroad might be done through the creation of an individual study plan.
Doctoral students are expected to use their residency abroad to work on their diploma thesis.
You can participate in Erasmus multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee. Your total Erasmus time abroad may not exceed 24 months within your study at our faculty.
You must prove your linguistic competence of the language study / training will be carried out. You can present your language certificate. You can also pass a language test at the Department of Languages at our faculty (German, French and Spanish). Dates are as follows: 8 February 2022 at 5 p.m. for Spanish and French, 7 February 2022 at 3 p.m. for German.
Applicants must submit:
- Application form the Erasmus+ program, which can be found in the attachement.
- Study plan and / or description of practical training. Explain your motivation, which subjects will be replaced here by the subjects you will take abroad, etc.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Language Certificate - minimum level B2 required.
- Documents proving your extracurricular activities during your study at our faculty. For example, practical and research work as a student, involvement in students associations and Buddy programme, etc.
Criteria taken into account
During the evaluation process, the Committee will assess criteria of each candidate: grade average, study plan, language skills and extracurricular activities. See below:
I. Study results – grade average (max. 50 points)
Grade average for all completed academic years of study at the time of application:
Overall Average | Points |
Overall Average |
Points |
1,00–1,10 | 50 | 2,51–2,60 | 14 |
1,11–1,20 | 48 | 2,61–2,70 | 12 |
1,21–1, 30 | 46 | 2,71–2,80 | 10 |
1,31–1,.40 | 44 | 2,81–2,90 | 8 |
1,41–1,50 | 42 | 2,91–3,00 | 7 |
1,51–1,60 | 40 | 3,01–3,10 | 6 |
1,61–1,70 | 38 | 3,11–3,20 | 5 |
1,71–1,80 | 36 | 3,21–3,30 | 4 |
1,81–1,90 | 33 | 3,31–3,40 | 3 |
1,91–2,00 | 30 | 3,41–3,50 | 2 |
2,01–2,10 | 27 | 3,51–3,60 | 1 |
2,11–2,20 | 24 | 3,61–3,70 | 0 |
2,21–2,30 | 21 | 3,71–3,80 | 0 |
2,31–2,40 | 18 | 3,81–3,90 | 0 |
2,41–2,50 | 16 | 3,91–4,00 | 0 |
The total grade average is calculated through the standard method, i.e. according to the Study and Examination Rules of Charles University in Prague: ‘... In case it is necessary to determine a student's grade average, all marks from all tests and all corrective tests are included.’
The number of points for grade average is multiplied by the coefficient according to your current study year as follows: 5th year 1; 4th year 1; 3rd year 0.95, 2nd year 0.90. In the case of submitting an application in the first year, the student's grade is awarded 25 points.
2. Study plan / plan of practical traineeship (max. 5 points)
The student submits a detailed study plan / plan of practical training instead of a motivation letter (explain why you should be nominated). Maximum length is one A4 page with a minimum font size of 12.
The plan serves to assess how the student is preparing for the Erasmus – i.e. what subjects the student intends to study at host university, whether the study plan is in accordance with the student's study plan here, etc.
In case of practical training you should describe what content of the traineeship you are planning and where (which institution and department). Ideally, you should present their written preliminary consent / acceptance letter.
The score is between 1–5 points; points are awarded by the Comittee on the basis of a common consensus.
3. Language skills (max. 25 points)
Points awarded for knowledge of language are calculated for each Erasmus + destination separately according to the main language of instruction ( in which study or practical training will be carried out).
Language skills are demonstrated by a language certificate. The student should meet at least level B2 (according to the European reference framework CERF) in the language of the instruction abroad.
Certificate and language level | Points | Example |
Certificate confirming B2 level knowledge or Certificate from the Language Department | 15 | Certificate for foreign language, Goethe-Zertifikat B2 et. |
Certificate of knowledge at level C1 | 23 | General State Language Exam, Goethe-Zertifikat C1 et. |
Certificate of knowledge at level C2 | 25 | General State Language Exam, Graduation Certificate for mother tongue, Goethe-Zertifikat C1, etc. |
4. Extracurricular activities (max. 25 points)
The student can get a maximum 25 points, even if he / she proves activities for a total of more points. Applicants submit only document for activities carried out during their studies at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.
A) Science (total max. 10 points)
• Work in progress in scientific work. The confirmation should be signed by the head of the department/ clinic/ institution where the research takes place. It confirms that the student has actively spent at least 20 hours with the scientific work. (1 point / semester)
• The authorship of scientific publications is confirmed by the project leader. Points are awarded as follows:
o Authorship of a scientific publication (other than the main author). (3 points)
o Presentation at a regional congress – poster / lecture or work was published in a journal without an impact factor in scientific databases (main author). (5 points)
o The work was presented at an international congress – poster / lecture, or published in a journal with an impact factor below 1 (main author). (8 points)
o The thesis was published in a journal with an impact factor higher than 1 (main author). (10 points)
• In the case that student participates in more projects, it is possible to add points up to a maximum of 10 points.
B) Teaching (max. 8 points)
• Lecturing of histology / anatomy / physiology subjects is evaluated 1 point / semester. Certificate signed by the head of the department.
• The scoring of teaching of other subjects at our faculty is assessed by the Erasmus + coordinator. (max. 1 point / semester)
• Co-organization of an optional subject. Confirmed by the course guarantor. (max. 1 point / academic year)
• Voluntary seminars teaching. Confirmed by the head of relevant department. (max. 0.5 points / semester)
C) Other (max. 10 points)
Internship a for a minimum of 20 hours at preclinical institute, clinic, outpatient clinic, operating rooms apart from scientific activities (see above). Confirmation signed by the head of the workplace. (max. 0.5 points / semester)
Significant activities in student associations. Points are awarded according to the internal rules of these organizations in a total maximum of 5 points. Points from individual organizations can be added up to a maximum of 5 points.
- Motolák z.s. – 3 points – member of the Board of Directors or active member with more than 50 association's points; 2 points – a member of the extended board of directors or an active member with more than 30 association's internal points; 1 point – active member with more than 10 association's internal points. Points from multiple years of membership can be added up to a maximum of 5 points.
- IFMSA 2. LF UK z.s. – 3 points – elected local coordinator or student of our faculty in any elected national position (National Coordinator, member of the Executive Board of IFMSA CZ, Training Director) in the given academic year; 2 points – an active member who achieves internal 50 points for projects or internships in a given academic year; 1 point – active member who achieves 25 internal points for projects or internships in a given year (see the amendment to the IFMSA Scoring Statutes, scoring manual)
- AIMS – analogically according to the specification by the chairman
- ASF – analogically as specified by the chairman
- Points are awarded only if you provide documents / certificates signed by the following representatives: Motolák z.s. – chairman of Motolák z.s., IFMSA 2. LF UK z.s. – the local president for our faculty, AIMS – chairman of AIMS Second Medical Faculty, ASF – local coordinator at our faculty.
Membership in the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate (2 points / year). Confirmed by the Chairman of the Academic Senate.
Participation in professional congresses, courses, etc. (max. 0.5 points / semester, max. 3 points in total). The student has to prove his / her participation.
Representation of Charles University or the faculty in sports or cultural activities at the interuniversity and interfaculty level (max. 1 point / year, max. 5 points). Confirmed by the responsible person from the Institute of Physical Education of our faculty, or the student will provide a confirmation of participation in the event.
Assistance to incoming international students – participation in the Buddy program. Confirmed by Buddy coordinator of the Motolák association, contact email: @email. (max. 0.5 points / semester, max. 2 points in total).
Other relevant activities with a significant contribution to the faculty – assessed individually by the vice-dean for foreign affairs (max. 3 points).
What to do after successfull Erasmus nomination?
Send your Application Form and your Learning Agreement to the foreign university you have been accepted to. Instructions on how to file these forms online can be found on the Charles University website here.
You will build your Curriculum from the courses listed in the syllabi of host university, while also considering the number of credits to be earned. If these classes are sufficient to replace study at our faculty, the study plan is approved by the head of the relevant department or the vice-dean. The Learning Agreement (which is based on the approved curriculum) is an official document and makes you eligible for recognition of successfully completed examinations after returning. You must pass the exams and bring appropriate document – the Transcript of records.
Information on studies at partner faculties is crucial for the creation of the Learning Agreement, but it might be difficult to obtain. You can contact the Erasmus coordinator at your assigned host university. Schedules can change, even after your arrival, which subsequently alters your study plan. The primary source of information on syllabi is the website of partner universities.
Individual study plan, final state exam subjects. An overwhelming majority of students have to apply for an individual study plan in order to study abroad. It allows you to organize your studies so that you can complete all your requirements mandated by our faculty's curriculum. It is always necessary to inform the Study Department of all activities that go beyond your basic curriculum. This means promptly reporting exactly when you are leaving for a program, and to report your return within a week at the latest (the Study Department has to modify your status in the Student IS).
For the simplest recognition of the completion your curriculum requirements, it is necessary, before you depart, to have all subjects confirmed by the guarantor of the department on the form Protocol on Studying Abroad. Get each subject confirmed and send the document to Department for Foreign Affairs/Study Department.
Students who go abroad in the 6th year of study, and plan to take a part of the state exams there, must have it approved by the head of the clinic in advance (i.e. already in the Curriculum). Count on the fact that most of the subjects will need to be completed here.
Nominated students will receive a scholarship of 480–750 EUR/month (depending on the type of mobility and destination).
Recognition of subjects
You are required to complete your studies abroad by completing the exam, and the subjects completed abroad must be recognised, under a pre-approved contract, by our faculty.
Non-state tested subjects will be recognised by submitting the relevant documents from your host university (Transcript of Records, Syllabus).
In the case of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics in the 6th year, you can complete only half of each subject's lectures abroad; this part of the instruction will be recognized by the Second Faculty of Medicine based on the submission of the relevant documents from your host university (Transcript of Records, Syllabus). You must complete the second half of those courses and complete the final exam at the Second Faculty of Medicine. You are required to take the state final exam in the Czech Republic.
While I am abroad, do I have to complete all subjects listed in the Learning Agreement?
- Learning Agreement is a binding agreement and the study commitments you have set out in it must, in principle, be met. You undertake to do so when signing the Participant Agreement prior to your departure on Erasmus, on the basis of which you are provided with a special scholarship.
- While studying abroad, you are a regular student of a host university with the same right and responsibilities as local students, including the successful completion of all required examinations.
- Learning Agreement can only be changed on the basis of a rational explanation, submitted through a Change of Subjects form. However, the change must be approved by both sides – primarily host university.
- If you are not able to meet certain study obligations abroad, you can solve this issue individually. It is necessary to provide the syllabus of the relevant subject and written confirmation of the foreign guarantor of the subject stating exact description of what you studied and the extent (in the number of hours) in the form of a Certificate of Attendance.
Follow-up after completion of the Erasmus+ stay abroad
For the recognition of subjects studied abroad, we require submission of the syllabi of subjects you would like recognized by the faculty. The syllabus will be stored in your student file. The Guarantor of the respective subject at our faculty may or may not recognize the exam / subject you passed abroad. .
At the Department for Foreign Affairs and at the European Office of Charles University, after returning from the your stay abroad, you must present:
- Transcript of Records, including credits earned
- Confirmation of study period
- Report on Study Abroad – studenst produces this themselves. The form for the report you can find here.
- Essay (tohether with photos) reflecting on your stay abroad, to be published on faculty website here.
It is assumed that upon your return you will help our students who will be go abroad in the future and to incoming Erasmus+ students, especially those from the university you spent your Erasmus at.. We also ask each student to write an essay on their experoience abroad to be published at aout faculty web (with photos).
Erasmus+ Coordinator
MUDr. Rudolf Černý, CSc.
Erasmus+ Officer
Ing. Dana Basařová
Phone: +420 224 435 862 email: dana.basarova@lfmotol.cuni.cz