Professional Recognition in the EU

This page tells you how to get confirmation that the basic qualification received in the Czech Republic is in accordance with European Community law and Directive 2005/36/ES.

The application form is available on the…

Do the following steps:

  1. Click on Žádost dle § 42 eng.doc (available when you scroll down)
  2. Fill the application form as follows:
    Page 1:
    • Circle part a) that the basic qualification...
    • fill in all required data
      • Former surname – for women only. Fill in this box if you married and your surname has changed.
      • Place of birth – write your city and state of birth.
      • Country for which the ‘Certificate’ will be issued: Select the country where you are planning to practice (this question is for statistical purposes only).
      • Address of permanent residence – your official address abroad – usually written in your passport. The Ministry will send your certificate to this address if you don’t specify a different contact address.
      • Contact address – fill in this section if you want the Ministry to send your certificate to a different address than your permanent residence.
    Page 2:
    • circle part a) basic qualification and fill in the required data
    Page 3: Ignore
  3. Print the application and sign and date it (on page 4).
  4. Enclose:
    • An officially verified copy of your university diploma
    • An officially verified copy of the state examination certificate or diploma supplement
    • A copy of your identification card
    • A copy of your marriage certificate (only for women who have changed their name)
    • A 500 Kč stamp (kolek), which is available at post office. You can also transfer the fee from your bank account.                                                                                                               The Ministry account number is 3711-000252800, bank code 0710                                                                                            Use the variable symbol 2915 and write your name and surname as additional information.
  5. Send or deliver this paper and other documents to

    Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR, Palackého nám. 375/4, Praha 2, 128 00

    Office hours (for the Podatelna):
    Monday and Friday 8.00 a.m. – 16.30  
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8.00 a.m. – 15.00  

The responsible person is

+420 224 972 915

The issuing process lasts approximately 30 days from the day you submit your application. The Ministry of Health provides a service to post the certificate to abroad for free. The certificate is issued in the Czech language.

Last update: 17. 8. 2023 / Mgr. Petra Fabingerová
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