Graduation Ceremony Details

Immediately after completing all your study duties, please come to the Study department with your index, confirmation from the library that you returned all your books and bring keys from the locker room to officially conclude your studies.

Graduates are required to come to the preparation room in Karolinum 30 minutes before the ceremony starts for procession instructions and to sign the matriculation book. Directions: Enter the building, turn left, go to the 1st floor (up the stairs) and turn right to the large wooden door.

Formal dress is required!

The total number of relatives and friends per graduate who may attend is not limited.

Please provide your family and friends who plan to attend your graduation ceremony with the following instructions:

  • Switch off cell phones before entering the hall.
  • Don't get up and walk around during the ceremony.
  • The ceremony takes approx. 45 minutes; it is not advised to bring children under the age of six.
  • Professional photographers are arranged by the Rector’s Office of Charles University in Prague.
  • Pictures and video of the ceremony may be ordered at Photographs, video and sound recordings may be taken at the beginning of and during the graduation ceremony. If any of the participants do not agree to having their picture taken, they can request the person taking photographs not to do so, or require any photographs or recordings to be destroyed. If any graduates do not want to take part in the graduation ceremony for this or a similar reason, they may ask to be given their graduation certificate separately at the faculty study department.
  • Do not clap during the ceremony.

Procedure for the Master’s Graduation Ceremony

1. Ceremonial procession to the Large Hall of the Carolinum, to the sound of music, in the following order:

a) the graduates to be awarded academic degrees in formal dress;

b) the academic staff of the relevant faculty in academic gowns;

c) the Promotor in academic gown with academic insignia;

d) the Beadle of the faculty in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia;

e) the dean in academic gown with academic insignia;

f) the Rector’s Beadle in Beadle’s robe with academic insignia; and

g) the Rector in academic gown with academic insignia.

2. National anthem.

3. The Dean gives the opening speech and introduces the graduates, stating their first name, family name, maiden name if relevant, place of birth, the completed programme of study and if completed with distinction where relevant. Then herequests the Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

4. The Rector’s assent to the graduation ceremony.

5. The Promotor delivers the Latin formula and the text of the oath set in the Constitution of the relevant faculty.

Latin version
Doctorandi clarissimi, examinibus, quae ad eorum, qui in arte medica doctoris nomen et honores consequi student, doctrinam et facultatem explorandam lege constituta sunt, cum laude superatis, nos adistis desiderantes, ut vos eo honore in hoc sollemni consessu ornaremus.
English version
Dear Doctorands, You have successfully passed the examinations prescribed for those whose wish is to achieve the honor and the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Now you appear before us hoping that you will be awarded this degree at this ceremonial assembly.
Prius autem fides est danda vos tales semper futuros, quales vos esse iubebit dignitas, quam obtinueritis, et nos vos fore speramus.
But before it is done, you must take a vow that you shall always act as the degree you to obtain obliges you and in which we also hope.
Therefore you promise:
PRIMUM vos huius Universitatis, in qua summum in arte medica gradum ascenderitis, piam perpetuo memoriam habituros eiusque res ac rationes, quoad poteritis, adiuturos;
First: that you shall ever respect with gratefulness this University where you will achieve the highest degree in medical science and always support its interests and benefit as long as you are able to;
DEIN honorem eum, quem in vos
collaturus sum, integrum incolumemque servaturos,
Further: that you shall preserve this honor I intend to confer upon you clean and immaculate;
POSTREMO doctrinam, qua vos nunc polletis, cum industria vestra culturos et cum omnibus incrementis, quae progrediente tempore haec ars ceperit, aucturos et in prosperitatem hominum studiose conversuros, denique cunctis officiis, quae probum medicum sponsioni Hippocraticae obtemperantem decent, ea, quae par est, humanitate erga quemcumque functuros esse.
And finally: that you shall assiduously cultivate the knowledge you have already mastered and you shall extend it with all findings you gradually achieve in this field of science. You shall extend it and industriously use it for the welfare of mankind. And finally that you shall perform your duties in which the doctor must follow the Hippocratic Oath with respect and humanity towards anybody.
Are you prepared to take this vow by your best conscience?

6. The graduates take the oath by raising their hand towards the head of the sceptreand saying “Spondeo ac polliceor”.

7. The Promotor finishes reading the graduation oath.

Itaque iam nihil impedit, quominus honores, quos obtinere cupitis, vobis impertiamus.
Then there is nothing to prevent us from conferring the degree which you desire to achieve.
Ergo ego promotor rite constitutus vos ex decreto ordinis mei medicinae universae doctores creo, creatos renuntio omniaque medicinae universae doctoris iura ac privilegia potestatemque universam artem medicam exercendi in vos confero. In cuius rei fidem haec diplomata Universitatis Carolinae sigillo firmata vobis in manus trado.
Therefore, I, the properly appointed Promotor, in accordance with the authority of my office, confer the degree of Doctor of Medicine upon you and proclaim your rights to use this degree. I confer all rights, privileges and power to practice all medical arts and impose on you all duties connected with this degree. In evidence of this, I convey this diploma to which the seal of Charles University is affixed, into your hands.

8. The Promotor hands the graduates their diplomas.

9. One of the graduates gives the valedictorian speech.

10. Music – Old Czech hymn Jezu Kriste, štědrý kněže (Jesus Christ, generous Prince).

11. Representatives of the academic community offer their congratulations to the graduates.

12. Departure from the hall under paragraph (1) in reverse order, to the sound of student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

Source: Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University. A vice-rector determined by the Rector may substitute for the Rector during matriculation and graduation ceremonies.

Last update: 25. 9. 2024 / Mgr. Juan Zamora
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