
Accreditation valid until: 23. 10. 2029

Chairman of the Subject Area Board:

doc. RNDr. Radovan FIŠER, Ph.D.

221 951 711

Department of Genetics and Microbiology
Faculty of Science
Charles University
Viničná 5
128 44  Prague 2


Members of the Subject Area Board

Characteristics of the study programme

The study program provides students with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in microbiology. The students employ current microbiological, molecular biology, bioinformatic, biochemical, analytical and biophysical methods for the study of microorganisms. The key area of research includes the regulation of physiology of microbial cell with respect to production of antimicrobial compounds and mechanisms of resistance pathogenesis of infection diseases interaction of microorganisms with their environment. The research is also targeted at biodegradation abilities of microbial communities in biogeochemical cycles including bioremediations.

Admission procedure requirement specific to the study programme

The conditions and course of the admission procedure for the part-time of study are the same as the conditions for the full-time form. 

We recommend to contact your potential supervisor in advance and consult the suitable form of preparation for the interview. Each study programme has its own specifics, so the supervisor can help you to prepare for the specialized entrance examination (the interview).

Topics of dissertation thesis

The candidate chooses the preliminary topic individually and contacts a potential supervisor, they can also consider the topics listed below. The choice is not, however, limited to these only. They consult with the potential supervisor on the chosen topic and agree on its more precise specification. In case of any ambiguity, we recommend that you also contact the chairman of the SAB. If necessary, he may recommend a consultation on the topic with another specialist according to the focus of the intended project.

If the candidate hesitates about which topic/supervisor to choose, they will contact the chairman of the SAB, with whom they will consult on a suitable topic and a potential supervisor.

This choice is preliminary, the admissions board may, after consultation with the candidate, nominate another supervisor.

Dissertation topics offered

prof. MUDr. Ondřej Cinek, Ph.D., Department of Paediatrics, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital

  • Clinical impact of microbiome composition and function on outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Blastocystis in humans in health and disease
Supervisors of the study programme

Each supervisor must be approved by the SAB. The criteria for admitting new supervisors are determined by the SAB. If the proposed supervisor has not yet been approved by the SAB, this must be done no later than the enrollment of the applicant in the study (provided that the applicant is accepted). You can find a list of supervisors approved by the SAB here. After clicking, the supervisor's workplace and contact information will be displayed.

Requirements during the study

Study obligations for full-time and part-time form of study are the same.

During the 1st and 2nd year of study, the student completes two compulsory subjects:

The other two subjects are added to the plan depending on the previous education and with regard to the topic of the dissertation. These are courses offered by Department of Languages, Second Faculty of Medicine CU.

Subjects are a condition for submitting an application for the SDE. Another condition is either a certified English examination (FCE, CAE, TOEFL) or an examination at ÚJOP CU. The Dean's Provisions no. 2/2024 states that all students should attend the faculty Scientific conference in the 4th year of study (and also again in the 6th and 8th year of study in case the student extends their studies).

By the end of the 3rd year of study at the latest: successful completion of the SDE.

Requirements for internships

In accordance with the standards of study programmes at Charles University, the student completes an internship abroad at a workplace with related topic of investigation (total length of at least one month). Further, the student actively participates in foreign scientific conferences and congresses, reporting on his/her results in the form of oral or poster presentations. If the internship cannot be arranged, students participate in international cooperation in a different way.

Listed courses

Requirements for the SDE

The objective of the SDE is to check the student’s way of scientific thought, i.e. his/her ability of comprehension of the nature of the problem, including the ability of conceiving own ways of solution to the given problems. At the SDE, the students are supposed to prove their knowledge of their chosen field to the full extent of the undergraduate level but also the knowledge of trends in research and modern methodology of recent biomedicine as applied to the topic area of his/her dissertation thesis.

Examination topics for the SDE

Publication activity requirements
  • Independent original experimental work with publication output, in which the student has a decisive share.
  • Two presentations at the annual conference of students in Microbiology during the first four years of study.
  • The minimum publication requirement is the two original scientific papers in impacted journals (WOS). Student must be the first author of at least one of these papers.
Defence requirements

The dissertation is is a culmination and the main result of the whole doctoral study. It must be an original work of the student. It should provide sufficient information necessary for the assessment whether the student is qualified for an independent research work in his/her respective scientific field. The student should be able to comprehensively describe and adequately cover the topic of the dissertation, as well as to independently formulate opinions and questions based on the results of his/her doctoral project.

Prior to the submission of the dissertation for its defence, all study duties stated in the Individual Study Plan must be successfully completed and the same applies for the SDE. In addition to this, the publication requirements for the so-called "long" or "short" form of the dissertation (see below) must be fulfilled; these publications must be relevant to the topic of the dissertation and published during the course of the doctoral study in IF journals (see Creative Work and Publication Activity Requirements). 

More detailed information on the allowed form of the dissertation and the procedure of its defence can be found here.

The SAB does not require the Summary of the Dissertation. Dissertation is submitted electronically via the IS only (no printouts needed).

Profile of a graduate of the study programme

The graduate shows deep understanding in microbiology with a broad fundamental knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry. At the same time, he/she is an expert in a specific area of microbiology that was the topic of his/her thesis. The graduate is experienced in experimental methods of microbiology, molecular genetics, bioinformatics and biochemistry together with analytical and biophysical methods. Also, the graduate is able to suggest an optimum solution of a given scientific problem, to correctly evaluate, interpret and present the obtained data. He/she can be employed in both fundamental and applied research with focus on biology and biomedicine at universities, in scientific institutes and technological centres as well as in the industrial sector.

Information about graduate employment 

Graduates are mainly employed in scientific and teaching positions at domestic and foreign universities and scientific institutes engaged in basic and applied microbiological research or related fields, as well as in similarly focused research and technology centres. In the non-academic sphere, it is applied in applied research at development workplaces and corporate laboratories, for example in the following areas: biotechnological and pharmaceutical production, clinical microbiology-molecular and biochemical diagnostics of infectious diseases, food microbiology, bioremediation, water management.

Last update: 6. 3. 2025 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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