​Registration of Optional Subjects

​Registration of Optional Subjects in the Academic Year 2022/2023

  • winter semester: 18–24 September 2023  starting at 6 pm
  • summer semester: TBA

How can I find which optional subjects are available for the study program and year?

The information can be found in the SIS system (no registration is necessary), click for the English version

  • choose Subjects;
  • confirm that you are in the current academic year 2023/2024;
  • in the green bar, check the ‘View by Plans’;
  • choose the Faculty, Branch/plan, year class.

The Subjects for the requested plan and year will be shown – first the compulsory subjects, then the optional subjects.

Please follow the steps for obligatory electronic registration of the optional subjects in SIS.

After you sign up to SIS:

  1. choose the icon ‘Registration of subjects and time table’;​
  1. confirm that you are in the current academic year 2023/2024;
  2. choose the item ‘Registration’ (‘Zápis (vlastní)’ in Czech) (Beware! You will not see the Second Faculty of Medicine sign until you are allowed to register the optional subject);
  3. find the optional subject through either filtering ‘Garant’, i.e. the department that provides for the optional subject or by other means (via code of the subject, name etc.);
  4. choose the requested subject and confirm your choice by clicking ‘Zapsat’ (Register).​ ​
  1. ​​SIS will offer the available times of the subjects, please choose the convenient option for you. The option will be shown in your timetable in SIS.



Last update: 15. 9. 2023 / Věra Hall
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