Laboratory Safety Rules

The risks possible occurring during the work in chemical laboratory require (in compliance with Czech national standard ČSN 01 8003 – Rules for safe conduct in chemical laboratories) fulfilling the following rules:

  1. Students are allowed to entry the laboratory only if accompanied by the teacher or the laboratory technician.
  2. Students may enter the laboratory and work there only if wearing appropriate working shoes and protective laboratory coat, which must be buttoned up for the entire practical training time. The plastic overshoes and disposable coats are forbidden.
  3. It is forbidden to enter the laboratory and to remain there under the influence of alcohol and other psychotropic or narcotic substances. Using drugs altering cognitive and responsive abilities is allowed only upon consultation with the attending physician.
  4. Pregnant women and mothers up to three month after childbirth are excused from the practical training, as well as other persons with increased possible risk due to the contact with used chemicals, or biological material. Students are obliged to report their gravidity immediately.
  5. Take with you only things necessary for carrying out the experiments, personal belongings must be kept in the lockers. Using phones, cameras, tablets and other electronic equipment is strictly prohibited.
  6. Long hair must be tied back. Dangling jewellery and baggy clothing must not be worn in the laboratory.
  7. It is strictly prohibited to eat, drink and smoke in the laboratory! It is prohibited to bring food or drinks to the laboratory, too.
  8. Students are obliged to come in time and properly prepared in order not to delay the start of the training.
  9. Students have to prepare themselves for the laboratory training – they must read the protocol of the exercise, understand the theoretical background and work instructions, all required computing and learn about the physical and chemical properties of the used substances.
  10. The laboratory work itself can be carried out after passing short exam. The exam is in form of short written test.
  11. Students must protect his/her health as well the others', therefore, they are obliged to follow the instructions (written or verbal) of the lecturer and carry out only the experiments described in the protocol of the current experiment. In case of not understanding the instructions, students are obliged to ask the detailed description from the lecturer.
  12. It is strictly forbidden to alternate the instructions for the practical training or to carry out experiments not described in the protocol. It is also forbidden to use any instrument in the lab without prior training. Students are financially responsible for all damages caused by inappropriate handling.
  13. Students or student groups are obliged to work in the specified space and use only specified tools. Students are fully responsible for these tools. The work group may consist of two persons only if not decided otherwise by the lecturer.
  14. During the practical training it is compulsory to keep the working place tidy and clean. As the laboratory desks are working places, they must not be seated on.
  15. The medical rubber gloves have to be worn during all experiments with biological material.
  16. Mouth pipetting is strictly forbidden! Glass pipettes have to be used with propipetter or pipetting balloon.
  17. The spillage or leak of any chemical or biological material has to be immediately reported to the lecturer. Students are obliged to take all appropriate actions to prevent any health, environmental or property harm. The same applies for glass breakage and other emergency situations, such as case of fire, unexpected rapid or violent reaction etc.
  18. Broken glassware and other sharp items have to be thrown into dedicated containers. These containers are properly marked.
  19. Students take notes and write results into theirs printed protocol. The filled protocol (including measured and computed results, together with its discussion) is, at the end, presented to the lecturer for control. Only the correct and complete protocols are signed by the lecturer.
  20. In case of discovering, or having suspicion of damage on the laboratory equipment, leading to person injury or safety, it is obligatory to report this to lecturer immediately.
  21. All injuries, as well as any nausea, dizziness breathing problems etc., have to be reported to the lecturer immediately. All injuries have to be registered.
  22. Before leaving the laboratory it is compulsory to clean and tidy the working space – wash the used glassware, make up the tray with tools, and arrange the stock solutions and samples, together with wiping the desk.
  23. Late coming without previous excuse, (maximal tolerance is 10 minutes) lack of discipline or knowledge of the current practical training or breaching of the safety instructions results in the banning from the practical training lesson. Student has to repeat the lesson in the reserved term. This lesson is qualified as absence without appropriate excuse.

First aid instructions

  1. Chemical splash in the eye
    In this case it is necessary to flush the eyes with generous amount of water. Do not use any neutralizing agents. Call emergency medical service.
  2. Chemical skin burns
    Remove the cause of the burn by first brushing any remaining dry chemical and then rinsing the chemical off the skin surface with cool, gently running water for 10 to 20 minutes or more. Remove clothing or jewellery that has been contaminated by the chemical and again rinse the skin with running water. At the end, it is possible to neutralize the affected skin:
    • Acid burns wash with roughly 6% solution of sodium carbonate.
    • Hydroxide burns wash with roughly 2% solution of citric or acetic acid.
    Wrap the burned area loosely with a dry, sterile dressing and call emergency medical service.
  3. Thermal burns
    Cool the burn. Hold the burned area under cool (not cold) running water for 10 or 15 minutes or until the pain subsides. Cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage and Call emergency medical service.
  4. Electric shock
    Turn off the source of electricity if possible. If not, move the source away from both you and the injured person using a dry, nonconducting object made of cardboard, plastic or wood. Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement). If absent, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rescue breathing immediately. Prevent shock. Lay the person down with the head slightly lower than the trunk, if possible, and the legs elevated. Call emergency medical service.
  5. Cuts
    Stop the bleeding. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don't, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth or bandage. Hold the pressure continuously for 20 to 30 minutes and if possible elevate the wound. Don't keep checking to see if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage or dislodge the clot that's forming and cause bleeding to resume. In case of excessive bleeding call emergency medical service. Do not remove objects from deep wounds.
  6. Exposure to smoke or chemical fumes
    Get the person into fresh air immediately. Make sure the person is breathing. If not, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rescue breathing. Always call emergency medical service.
  7. Swallowing chemical
    If the person swallowed the poison, remove anything remaining in the mouth. Identify the swallowed chemical. Always call emergency medical service. In case the affected person is conscious, let him or her drink 0.5 l of water with several tablets of activated carbon.

Conditions of successfully completing the practical trainings and seminars

  1. Come in time and complete all parts of practical training or seminar. Student is forbidden to leave the laboratory or lecture hall without lecturer's consent.
  2. Students can participate in practical training with other group only with the consent of the lecturer. These changes have to announce to the lecturer in sufficient advance, and are allowed only in special cases. Without lecturer's consent the change of the group is impossible. Due to the limited number of places in the lecture halls, the change of the date of seminar has to be announced to and confirmed by the lecturer.
  3. Theoretical preparation of students is verified by short written test. Copying and other fraudulent behaviour is forbidden. In case of failing the test, the student will be expelled from the laboratory.
  4. Students work independently, and follow the practical training instructions. They have to work neatly and with precision (pipetting the exact amounts of the chemicals with correct order, keeping the work place clean and tidy)! In case of any misunderstanding or doubts, the students are obliged to ask the lecturer for clarifying explanation.
  5. Students must present their complete protocols individually. Only resulting graphs can be presented by group. The practical training is considered as passed only after the approval of the protocols by the lecturer (the lecturer signs the protocol).
  6. In case of missing the printed instructions with protocols at the beginning, student is obliged to inform the lecturer immediately at the beginning of the practical training. The student is then allowed to participate in the practical training (after passing the short test at the beginning, see above). The practical training will be considered as passed only after presenting the correctly filled protocol, not later than one week after the date of the practical training. In case of not meeting the above mentioned criteria, the practical training is not considered as passed, and is dealt with as being absent without excuse.

Prof. Richard Průša, M.D., Ph.D.
Head of Department of Medical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry

Last update: 23. 9. 2016 / Administrátor
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