At its meeting on 11 September 2024, the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, announced elections to the Academic Senate of the second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (AS 2. LF) for the term of office from 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2027.
The Senate elections will be held in two rounds, both of which will be held electronically.
Login to the election application will be done through the Central Authentication Service (CAS) – please check your login details and in case of a problem contact Mr. Zdeněk Procházka (@email) to reset your password.
Date of the election to the AS 2. LF
1st round: 4 November 2024 from 8:00 a.m. — 6 November 2024 till 6 p.m.
2nd round: 25 November 2024 8 a.m. — 27 November 2024 6 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will the first round of the AS 2. LF election look like?
The first round of the election will take place in both chambers, student and pedagogical, electronically, in the election application on the faculty website. Once logged in, teachers can vote for up to 12 candidates, students must select at least two candidates from their community, and they can also allocate up to 10 votes to candidates regardless of the community. Thus, teachers and students can both vote for no more than 12 candidates in total in the first round.
What are the “communities”? Which one do I fall into?
Communities are groups of students formed in such a way that all years and disciplines are represented as evenly as possible in the Senate, as follows:
Community 1 – 1st and 2nd years of VSEOB (Master’s Studies, General Medicine)
Community 2 – 3rd year of Všeobecné lékařství
Community 3 – 4th year of Všeobecné lékařství
Community 4 – 5th and 6th years of Všeobecné lékařství
Community 5 – 1st to 6th years of General medicine ("international students")
Community 6 – non-medical studies
Community 7 – 1st and 2nd years of doctoral studies
Community 8 – 3rd to 8th years of doctoral studies
Each community will be represented by one student in the Senate, it means a total of eight students. Another four students will then get into the Senate according to the total number of votes they have received, i.e. regardless of the community.
How do I log into the voting app on the website?
Students shall use the same login credentials as into the SIS, CAS, etc. In case of problems, please contact Mr. Zdeněk Procházka at @email.
I'm a graduate student, but I already have a full-time academic position at the Second Faculty of Medicine. Will I vote in the Students’ Chamber or the Pedagogical Chamber?
If you are both a student and an educator, the Electoral Commission has probably already contacted you and asked you to choose which chamber you want to vote and be elected in. If the Board has not received your response to this invitation by the deadline, it has automatically placed you in the Pedagogical Chamber for the election.
I did not find my friend or colleague in the election application. How is this possible?
They are probably members of the Election Committee, that's why they are not listed in the first round. For some educators (such as the Dean, Vice Dean and Member of the Scientific Council) there is a note about incompatibility of functions. This means that although they can be elected, they then have to choose whether they want to remain either Senators or, for example, Members of the Scientific Council.
How many candidates are going through to the second round?
The 24 candidates with the highest number of votes in the Pedagogical Chamber and the 4 candidates with the highest number of votes in each community in the Students’ Chamber, plus the next ten candidates with the highest number of votes regardless of community, will advance to the second round. (In addition, of course, any other candidates who received the same number of votes as the last advancing candidate).
How will I know if I have made it to the second round?
All first round voters are asked to answer a question after they have logged in, asking if they would like to run in the second round. Anyone can still chase their choice after the results of the first round have been announced, but they must actively contact the Electoral Commission (at @email) and report this chase within free days of the announcement of the results of the first round.
So if you have indicated that you do not want to run, the committee will not contact you again. If you have indicated that you want to run and you get enough votes to advance, the commission will notify you by email and automatically put you on the ballot for the second round.
If you did not vote in the first round and we do not have your answer regarding your possible candidacy, you will be contacted by the Commission immediately after the results of the first round are announced. You will need to agree your potential candidacy for the second round, and we strongly urge you to do this as soon as possible and to respond to the Commission promptly if possible – this will greatly speed up and facilitate the election process.
The names of all those standing in the second round must then be published on the website by 18 November at the latest.
I'm a candidate for the second round. May I present myself on the Faculty website?
Yes, you can post one article on the faculty website, which can be accompanied by photos or graphics. Please send your articles to Mr Petr Andreas (@email). Please note that your contributions will not undergo language correction.
What will the second round of the election look like?
The second round for the elections to the AS 2. LF and the AS UK will be held electronically from 25 to 27 November 2024. In the elections to the AS 2. LF, teachers can tick up to 12 candidates of their choice in the election application. Students must vote for at least one candidate from their community, and may vote for additional candidates regardless of the community. However, a student may choose no more than 12 candidates in total.
When shall I learn the results of the election?
The final results will be known no later than 2 December. The new Senate will meet for the first time in February 2025.
Who shall I contact if I need any help?
Problems related to logging into the election application: Zdeněk Procházka, @email.
If you want to publish your article on the website before the second round – Petr Andreas, @email
If you are generally interested in the elections and their system, you can contact the Chair of the Election Committee of the AS 2. LF, RNDr. Karolina Škvárová, Ph.D., @email, or the Chairman of the Legislative Committee of the AS 2. LF, Prof. MUDr. Jan Zuna, Ph.D., @email.
We hope that the elections will take place in a dignified and calm manner, as is customary in the university premises. We also ask all students and teachers to go to the elections and cast their vote for their candidates – it is our faculty after all!
With best wishes for the future.
Karolina Škvárová, Chair of the Election Committee of the AS 2. LF
Jan Zuna, Chairman of the Legislative Committee of the AS 2. LF
Announcement of Elections to the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University for the Term of Office from February 2025 to January 2027
1st round: 4 November (8:00 a.m.) — 6 November 2024 (6 p.m.)
2nd round: 25 November (8:00 a.m.) — 27 November 2024 (6 p.m.)