
Fotografie: Michal Novotný

First Winter EuroFlow Course in Prague

First Winter EuroFlow Course in Prague

Ve dnech 19. až 21. února se v historických prostorách Univerzity Karlovy v pražském Karolinu konal první zimní kurz EuroFlow zaměřený na minimální reziduální nemoc (MRD). Tento kurz, určený pro odborníky s více než tříletou praxí v klinické cytometrii, přilákal 40 účastníků z celého světa, včetně Kanady, Izraele, Saudské Arábie, Hong Kongu a Uruguaye.

The course focused on the diagnostic method MRD, which is key for monitoring therapy in hematological diseases such as B- and T-lymphoblastic leukemia, multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the EuroFlow MRD panels and their analysis, both manual and database-driven. The course included interactive lectures by EuroFlow experts and practical data analysis for each disease.


The organizers were pleased with the rapid filling of the course capacity and the international participation, which they said was a testament to the attractiveness of Charles University. “It is a great picture of the internationalization and attractiveness of Charles University. We would like to repeat the course next year,” said one of the main organizers, Prof. Tomáš Kalina. The course also offered an opportunity to network with scientists from all over the world and develop flow cytometric skills under the guidance of well-known experts. Participants had access to the EuroFlow EQA meeting and the course also included lunches, materials and a networking event.

Zdroj: UK Forum (17. 2. 2025)


Created: 13. 3. 2025 / Modified: 13. 3. 2025 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.