
In Study Information System SIS you will find all information about teachnig and links for study materials in Moodle:
4th year
  Forensic Medicine

Teaching of Forensic Medicine IV. year for the degree of MUDr. Teaching time: 2 weeks – 48 hours each Student group
List of english speaking teachers: prof. dr. I. Bouška, CSc., dr. P. Toupalík, dr. L. Chadová
Basically all questions are discussed during two week course, study of literature is recommended:
B. Knight: Simpson's Forensic Medicine, Arnold, London, 10 ed. or later editions
DiMaio: Rorensic Pathology, CRC Press, New York,  2001, 2nd ed.
Lectures, seminaries and every day short presence in the autopsy room with discussion and analysis of the cases of natural (sudden) and accidental deaths.

Last update: 18. 10. 2021 / Administrátor
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