
Accreditation valid until: September 18, 2034

Chairman of the Subject Area Board:

prof. MUDr. Petra Cetkovská, Ph.D.

377 402 363

Department of Dermatovenerology
dr. E. Beneše 13
30599 Plzeň


Contact person:
Ing. Daniela Vyzrálová

377 593 466

Department of Science and Research
Husova 3
301 00  Plzeň


Subject Area Board Members

Characteristics of the study programme

Please note that this doctoral study programme is accredited in Czech only. The applicants and students are expected to have a working knowledge of written and spoken  Czech essential for academic work.

Dermatovenerology is one of the fundamental clinical branches of medicine. The issues of sexually transmitted diseases and skin diseases overlap with other expertise such as epidemiology, experimental surgery, oncology, etc. The research outcomes can find its application in medical practice, especially regarding the new diagnostic and treatment processes. The research also contributes to the prevention of serious skin diseases, especially immune-mediated inflammatory dermatoses, cancer and sexually transmitted infections.

Admission procedure requirements specific to the study programme

The conditions and course of the admission procedure for the part-time of study are the same as the conditions for the full-time form. 

We recommend to contact your potential supervisor in advance and consult the suitable form of preparation for the interview. Each study programme has its own specifics, so the supervisor can help you to prepare for the specialized entrance examination (the interview).

Topics of dissertation thesis

The candidate chooses the preliminary topic individually and contacts a potential supervisor. He/she consults with him on the chosen topic and agrees on its more precise specification. In case of any ambiguity, we recommend that you also contact the chairman of the SAB. If necessary, he/she can recommend that he/she consult the topic with another specialist according to the focus of the intended project.

If the candidate does not know which topic/supervisor to choose, he/she will contact the chairman of the SAB, with whom he/she will consult on a suitable topic and a potential supervisor.

This choice is preliminary, the admissions board may, after consultation with the candidate, nominate another supervisor.

Supervisors of the study programme

Each supervisor must be approved by the SAB. The criteria for admitting new supervisors are determined by the SAB. If the proposed supervisor has not yet been approved by the SAB, this must be done no later than the enrollment of the applicant in the study (provided that the applicant is accepted). You can find a list of supervisors approved by the SAB here. After clicking, the supervisor's workplace and contact information will be displayed.

Study requirements

Students must complete the courses announced by the subject area board and specified in the ISP, the state doctoral examination, the dissertation defense, and other obligations specified by internal regulations. Other obligations include the foreign internship (DS025; for students in the full-time form of study), the Scientific Conference, and for students studying in the Czech language, the English exam and publication. In the course of the studies, the PhD student presents the results of his/her work in the form of lectures at professional seminars and congresses. The subject area board announces the following courses:

Mandatory courses:

Besides the mandatory courses, students have to fulfil at least one optional course:

The following requirements are set by internal regulations: 

We recommend outlining and fulfilling the courses and exam in the 1st – 3rd year; it is recommended to sit the State Doctoral Exam (D0400001) by the end of the third year, and the dissertation defence (D0400002) by the end of the 4th year of study. 

Requirements for publication and grant activity

At least 3 publications are required.

The PhD student is the first author of one publication in a peer-reviewed journal and the author or co-author of two publications in IF journals. In the 1st year, it will be mandatory to write and submit a publication (review) on the topic of the dissertation in a journal. Students are encouraged to apply for a UK Grant Agency project (preferably in the 2nd year), where the student should be the the main investigator, therefore learning to write a research project application under the guidance of a supervisor, conduct a literature search, formulate objectives and testable hypotheses, design a methodological approach, balance the timeline of the solution and part of the financial costs, and write an interim and final report.

Requirements for internships

Students in the full-time form of study will complete a foreign internship of a cumulative duration of 30 days. The PhD student demonstrates the ability to work in an international research team. During the foreign internship, it is advisable to apply as an active collaborator. Doctoral students may participate not only in the form of an internship but also in other appropriate ways of a medium or long-term nature, e.g. mentoring by a foreign worker at the home institution, a joint publication based on collaboration with foreign co-authors, and active involvement in an international project. In the event that a traineeship is not possible or appropriate, convincing evidence of an active foreign collaboration with personal and unmediated involvement of the PhD student with a clear outcome of such collaboration is crucial, e.g. a joint publication with an institution abroad.

State doctoral exam

The state doctoral exam has 2 parts and takes approximately 50-60 minutes. 

  1. The first part includes an introduction of the dissertation thesis topic (5-7 mins), and a presentation of the first findings. The following discussion (10 mins) concerns the dissertation topic and any questions the committee might have. 
  2. The second part (30-40 mins) consists of the student's responses to previously drawed questions regarding dermatology and venerology. There is no time for preparation, the committee assesses if the candidate demonstrates the required knowledge of the topic, can react appropriately to any questions of the committee, provide compelling arguments or their of experiences in the field, and consciously refers to other related fields. 
Dissertation defence requirements
  • fulfillment of all courses/exams/requirements specified in the ISP
  • fulfillment of the publication activity 
  • please bring 4 printouts of the dissertation summary, and 3 printouts of the dissertation 

The defence includes the supervisor's assessment, the following presentation (15 mins) focuses on the hypotheses, methodology and main finds of the research. The presentation is followed by a discussion with the committee, and also addresses reviewers' evaluations. 

Graduate's profile

The graduate has an overview knowledge in the field of Dermatovenerology and a deep knowledge in his/her field of specialization related to the topic of the dissertation. He/she is familiar with the methodological principles of scientific work, is able to work with literary sources and is able to establish and test scientific hypotheses. He/she is able to critically evaluate and defend the results of his/her research, publish in professional periodicals and present them at congresses in Czech and English. He is an erudite expert on the studied subject, who can be employed as a senior physician in health care institutions of various types, as a researcher at a university or research centre, or as an academic in educational institutions.

Graduate's employment 

Graduates will find employment as clinical specialists, academic and research staff in universities and research institutions, and as researchers in the biotechnology and biomedical private sector. Typical employers will be universities, research institutions, healthcare facilities including teaching hospitals and private practices. The primary objective is to educate the next generation of UK academics.

Last update: 26. 2. 2025 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.
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