Archive Events & Articles
Motol Steamboat
We invite You to sail with us on the unsinkable steamboat CZECHIE. Departure from Dvorak's waterfront (by Stefanik's bridge) 15th of June 2010.
Meeting with the Faculty Representatives
The annual meeting of international students and Faculty representatives.
Trip to Kutna Hora and Zamek Zleby
Hallowe'en is celebrated across the world with costumes of ghouls, ghosts and other supernatural and undead beings, so, what better day was there to visit the Kostnice Sedlec, widely known as ‘The Bone Church’, based near the town of Kutna Hora.
Trip to Kutna Hora and Zamek Zleby
Hallowe´en is celebrated across the world with costumes of ghouls, ghosts and other supernatural and undead beings, so, what better day was there to visit the Kostnice Sedlec, widely known as ‘The Bone Church’, based near the town of Kutna Hora.