Archive Events & Articles

Hands-on Basics of Emergency Medicine

11. 11. 2014

RSU International Winter School on Emergency Medicine, Riga, Latvia, offers local and international medical and healthcare students, who have completed two years of study, the opportunity of invaluable and efficient high-quality training in the area of Emergency Medicine. Deadline: 30. 11. 2014.

How to Start Your Career in OECD: a Seminar

3. 11. 2014

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Economics in Prague and the OECD Secretariat invites students to a seminar ‘How to Start Your Career in OECD: Young Professionals Programme’. The event takes place on Tuesday 11th November 2014 at 2.30PM in Venclovského aula, University of Economics Prague, Nám. W. Churchilla 4, Prague 3.

Medical Microbiology II – Important

31. 10. 2014

Students of full-time M.D. study programme in General Medicine, who successfully finished the subject Medical Microbiology I may study subject Medical Microbiology II.

Elections to the 2. LF Academic Senate

22. 10. 2014

At their meeting on October 15th the 2. LF academic senate announced their membership elections. The first round will take place from 19–21 November and the second round from 1–2 December 2014.

Fresher's Week 2014

16. 10. 2014

Going to college can be a challenge, but when you add up a new city and a new language to the equation it can be quite overwhelming. That is why that for the fifth consecutive year, upper year students and faculty staff organize the ‘Fresher’s Week’ as a way of smoothing the sometimes hard transition.


7. 10. 2014

Matriculation for the 1st year students 17. 10. 2014 in the Great Hall of Karolinum.