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Season 2 Trailer | PeliCast

PeliCast is back! We are aware that there is relatively large group of international students among us and, and this year we will also focus on this topic in our podcast. Welcome the new host, Cristina Lehto But. there will also be another host... more in video.

Freshers’ Autumn Trip

27. 9. 2023

On 23 September 2023 we set off on an all day bus trip to explore architectural gems beyond Prague... By Mgr. Ivana Kejvalová.

Better Methods for Clinical Studies in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology


24—26 October 2023

application deadline: 19 September 2023

Hotel NH Collection Prague Carlo IV (Senovážné nám. 13)

website and registration

Postgraduate course organised by the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and the European Clinical Research Alliance for Infectious Diseases (ECRAID), where Dr Marcela Krůtová from the Second Faculty of Medicine is giving a lecture.

The International Students’ Point of Contact During the First and Second Year

Mrs Věra Hall from the Study Department introduces herself and invites to the Enrollment Day.

Will We Be Going to Herget’s Auditorium?

30. 8. 2023

The Plzeňská campus is already in full use. Among other things, it houses the largest auditorium of the Second Faculty of Medicine. That is also one of the reasons why Prof. Václav Hampl from the Department of Physiology suggests that the auditorium should bear the name of the former vice-dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine and the person thanks to whom the faculty has its premises at Plzeňská Street in the first place, prof. Jan Herget.