
The Summit of the Academic Year at the Second Faculty of Medicine Is Approaching: The Scientific Conference Is Already to Be Held in April!

10. 2. 2016

A whole range of interesting scientific personalities will perform, showmen from the EKG Cabaret will present their literary guests, the panel discussion topic will be ‘Scams in Science’. So we can start writing abstracts. This year's Conference:  20–21 April. Read an invitation from prof. Jan Trka, the organiser of the conference.

Faculty Night Will Offer a Remarkably Varied Programme

10. 2. 2016

Instead of the traditional Cheerful Party after the Scientific Conference, our student senators have prepared Faculty Night with a remarkably varied programme. Eva Fürstová, Vice-Chair of the Academic Senate, issues the following invitation to you.

Far Beyond My Expectations

27. 1. 2016

At the turn of November and December the Second Faculty’s website editor Dr. Petr Andreas spent a week and half at the Communication and Marketing Department at Northumbria University, Newcastle. The following is a short essay about his experience.

The Department of Anatomy Has as the First One Released Its Answers and Comments to the Students' Survey

20. 1. 2016

On 5 January, the Department of Anatomy released its Answers and Comments to the Students' Evaluation of Anatomy for Year 2014/2015. You can read the article at the faculty website. The faculty is looking forward and the faculty leadership expects this release will not remain alone and the others will publish their comments in a timely manner as well: both on their websites and the faculty website, together with at least a summary in English.