Interruption of Study

Interruption of the studies is treated by Art. 6 of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University.

Interruption of studies must be requested in writing, the application (Request for study interruption form) must state the reason for interruption, the tutor's attitude and the date of termination of the interruption. If the date of completion is not specified by the student, the study will be interrupted until the end of the maximum study period.

The application can be delivered in person during office hours or sent by post to the address of the Department for PhD Study.

The study can be interrupted for at least one semester. The study can be interrupted repeatedly. The person has not a student status for the period of study interruption.

The interruption begins on the day the decision on the interruption of studies takes legal effect or on a later date specified in the decision. The legal force takes effect 30 days from the delivery of the decision to the addressee; therefore, if a student requests an interruption from a specific date, he/she must submit his/her request for an interruption at least two months before that date.

Upon termination of the interruption, the right to re-enrol in the study arises within the period specified in the decision on interruption. If the person does not appear for registration even within the alternative date of registration made available in the SIS, the study will be terminated on the day of the alternative date of registration (paragraph 14 of Article of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University).

If the study has been interrupted until the maximum period of study and the person then wants to terminate the interruption and continue the study, it is necessary to submit an application for termination of the study interruption. The dean shall terminate the interruption of studies by a decision stating the date of re-registration. The interruption of studies ends with the day the decision on the termination of the interruption of studies takes legal effect or a later day, which is stated in its operative part.

In the case of interruption of studies due to pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood or in connection with the taking of a child into care replacing the care of parents or due to a very serious health reason, the period of interruption of studies is not included in the total interruption of studies or the maximum period of study. Interruption of studies for another reason is included in the maximum study period.

Interruption of studies due to pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood

Recording the time of parenthood does not mean automatic interruption of studies. If you intend to interrupt studies in the registered time of parenthood, it is also necessary to submit a form Notification of pregnancy/childbirth in addition to the Request for study interruption. The registered time of parenthood is 8 weeks before the planned date of birth until the age of three years of the child for the mother, for the father it is from the date of birth of the child until the age of three years.

The Higher Educational Act No. 111/1998 Coll. obliges higher education institutions to take appropriate measures for the study of parents and persons who have taken the child into care, for as long as their maternity or parental leave (recognized parenthood period) would otherwise last, and does not distinguish between mother or father of the child, both have the same rights.

Pregnancy and the expected date of delivery are supported by a copy of the pregnancy card. Within six weeks after the expected date of childbirth, it is necessary to deliver a certified copy of the birth certificate of the child to the Department for PhD Study. The birth of a child is evidenced by a certified copy of the birth certificate. The taking of the child into care is evidenced by a certified copy of the relevant court decision.

Last update: 13. 4. 2022 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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